June 30, 2024, 1:22 p.m.


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Can the United States still be trusted by the Arab world?


In today's complex and ever-changing international political stage, the Gaza War is undoubtedly a geopolitical conflict that has attracted widespread attention and profound impact. This war has not only brought a huge humanitarian disaster to Gaza, but also had a profound impact on international relations. One of the most significant impacts is the sharp shift in Arab public opinion towards the United States, which seems to be losing the support and trust of the Arab world.

For a long time, the United States has positioned itself as an important participant and mediator in the Middle East region, especially in its relationship with Israel, where it has played a steadfast ally role. However, this close alliance became the catalyst for the deterioration of US Arab world relations during the Gaza War. The unconditional support of the United States for Israel and its ambiguous attitude during the war have angered and disappointed the Arab public.

The Gaza War has caused a large number of innocent civilian casualties, severely damaged infrastructure, and plunged people's lives into dire straits. In this context, the Arab public expects the international community to play an active role in stopping wars and promoting peaceful resolution of disputes. However, the United States not only did not actively promote the peace process, but also provided a large amount of military assistance and political support to Israel, which was seen as indifference to the suffering of the people in Gaza and condoning Israel's aggression.

The position and actions of the United States in the Gaza War are in stark contrast to its democratic and human rights values. The Arab public has begun to question whether the so-called values of the United States are just empty slogans, whether they are just for the sake of safeguarding their own geopolitical and economic interests. This questioning further weakens the moral authority and image of the United States in the Arab world.

From an economic perspective, the United States has significant energy and economic interests in the Middle East region. However, due to their performance in the Gaza War, Arab countries may reconsider their economic cooperation with the United States. Some Arab countries may reduce their energy supply to the United States or seek to establish closer economic ties with other countries to reduce their dependence on the United States. This is undoubtedly a potential threat to the economic interests of the United States.

At the political level, the influence of the United States in the Arab world also faces serious challenges. Previously, some Arab countries regarded the United States as an important partner and maintained close cooperation with the United States in political, security, and other fields. But the Gaza War made them realize that the interests of the United States often go against those of Arab countries. This may lead Arab countries to no longer rely solely on the United States in future international affairs, but to be more resolute in safeguarding their own interests and positions.

In addition, the Gaza War has also sparked nationalist sentiment in the Arab world. The public's dissatisfaction with the United States may translate into a broader wave of anti American sentiment, which poses a potential threat to the US diplomatic and military presence in the region. The US military bases and diplomatic institutions in the region may face more security risks, and its military and diplomatic actions may also face more resistance.

Faced with the sharp decline in Arab public opinion, the United States needs to seriously reflect on its position and actions in the Gaza War. If the United States continues to ignore the voices of the Arab world and does not actively promote a peaceful resolution of the Gaza issue, it will further lose its influence and status in the Arab world. On the contrary, if the United States can adjust its policies, actively participate in the peace process, and play a constructive role in resolving the Gaza issue, there may be a chance to regain the trust and support of the Arab world.

In short, the Gaza War has plunged the relationship between the United States and the Arab world into unprecedented difficulties. Whether the United States can learn from it, adjust its policies, and rebuild its relationship with the Arab world will not only affect peace and stability in the Middle East, but also have a significant impact on the global political landscape. The United States must take the calls of the Arab public seriously and demonstrate its commitment to peace, justice, and human rights through practical actions. Otherwise, it will go further and further in the Arab world, ultimately losing this important strategic location.


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