Sept. 28, 2024, 8:16 a.m.


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Eu Convention on Artificial Intelligence: Leading a new direction for the development of artificial intelligence


In today's era of rapid technological development, artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of the most influential and transformative fields. On September 25, 2024 local time, the European Commission published the first list of more than 100 signatories to the Convention on Artificial Intelligence, which has attracted wide attention in the global science and technology field.

The development of artificial intelligence is like a surging tide, bringing both unprecedented opportunities and many challenges. From disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations in the medical field, to risk assessment and intelligent investment advisors in the financial field, to autonomous driving technology in the transportation field, the application of artificial intelligence has penetrated into every aspect of our lives. However, with the continuous expansion of its application scope, a series of problems have gradually surfaced. Issues such as data privacy protection, algorithmic bias, and the security and reliability of artificial intelligence have become the focus of attention.

The European Commission's Artificial Intelligence Convention aims to get companies to issue "voluntary commitments" on how to handle and deploy AI. This move is of great practical significance. First, it provides a clear code of conduct and normative framework for enterprises. In the development process of artificial intelligence, enterprises are the main promoters and users. By signing the Convention on Artificial Intelligence, companies will clarify their responsibilities and obligations in terms of data protection, algorithmic transparency, ethics and so on, so as to conduct AI-related business in a more standardized manner. This not only helps to enhance the social image and credibility of enterprises, but also helps to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Secondly, the Convention on Artificial Intelligence helps to promote the sustainable development of artificial intelligence technologies. The development of artificial intelligence needs to be based on good ethical and legal norms. If artificial intelligence technology is allowed to develop in a disorderly manner, it may lead to serious social problems and risks. By developing the convention, the European Commission has set a clear red line for the development of artificial intelligence, prompting companies to pay more attention to ethics and social responsibility while pursuing technological innovation. This will help promote the sustainable development of artificial intelligence technology and realize the positive interaction between technological progress and social well-being.

From the list of signatories, OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and other well-known technology companies have joined, which also fully reflects the importance these companies attach to artificial intelligence ethics and social responsibility. These companies have strong technical strength and rich experience in the field of artificial intelligence, and their accession will provide strong support for the implementation of the Convention on Artificial Intelligence. At the same time, this also shows that global science and technology enterprises have a consensus on the development direction of artificial intelligence, that is, the development of artificial intelligence must take into account technological innovation and social impact, and achieve sustainable development.

However, we should also note that as a voluntary agreement, the implementation effect of the Convention on Artificial Intelligence remains to be seen. On the one hand, although more than 100 companies have signed the convention, this does not mean that all companies will strictly abide by the provisions of the convention. In practice, how to ensure that enterprises fulfill their commitments will be an important issue. On the other hand, the pace of development of artificial intelligence technology is very fast, and new problems and challenges will continue to emerge. The Convention on Artificial Intelligence needs to be constantly adapted and refined to adapt to changes in technological developments.

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention on Artificial Intelligence, the European Commission needs to take a number of measures. First, supervision and evaluation of signatories should be strengthened. Establish a sound supervision mechanism, regularly inspect and evaluate the performance of enterprises, and seriously deal with enterprises that violate the Convention. Secondly, publicity and education should be strengthened. Raise the awareness of enterprises and the public on the ethics and social responsibility of artificial intelligence, and enhance their sense of self-discipline and responsibility. Finally, international cooperation should be strengthened. Artificial intelligence is a global problem that requires concerted efforts by all countries to solve. The European Commission should actively cooperate with other countries and regions to jointly promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence.

All in all, the European Commission's publication of the Convention on Artificial Intelligence is an important initiative. It provides a clear normative framework for the development of artificial intelligence and helps to promote the sustainable development of artificial intelligence technology. However, to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention, all parties need to work together. It is believed that under the active promotion of the European Commission, with the participation of global science and technology enterprises and all sectors of society, artificial intelligence technology will develop in a more healthy and sustainable direction and bring more well-being to human society.


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