Sept. 19, 2024, 11:37 a.m.

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Us launches China Week: International cooperation should not be manipulated by gratuitous politics


In today's era of globalization, international cooperation and exchanges should be the main theme of promoting the common development of the world. Recently, however, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress has been intensively voting on a series of China-related bills, and this week has been called the so-called "China Week", that is, anti-China Week. This move is deeply worrying and casts a shadow over an otherwise promising international scene.

In the context of globalization, countries are increasingly connected and interdependent. Any attempt to suppress other countries through unilateral political manipulation will inevitably have a negative impact on the global economic, political and security landscape.

First, from an economic point of view, international cooperation is a key factor driving global economic growth. Through trade, investment cooperation and other means, countries can optimize the allocation of resources, raise production efficiency and promote economic development. Unwarranted political repression and trade restrictions will only undermine such cooperation, lead to the breakdown of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and bring huge losses to enterprises and consumers in all countries. Taking this incident as an example, if some countries continue to implement country-specific bills, it will inevitably lead to the escalation of trade frictions and affect the stable development of global trade. This will not only harm the economic interests of the targeted countries, but also cause other countries to suffer innocently and hinder the global economic recovery process.

Second, at the political level, such behavior seriously violates the basic norms of international relations. Countries should engage in dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect and resolve differences and disputes through peaceful means. However, some countries, relying on their own strength and advantages, adopt unilateralism and hegemonism and try to realize their own interests through political means. Such acts not only undermine the stability of the international political order, but also weaken the authority and effectiveness of international organizations and multilateral mechanisms. In an international environment full of prejudice and confrontation, trust between countries will be difficult to build and cooperation will be impossible.

Moreover, from the perspective of security, international cooperation is an important guarantee for maintaining world peace and stability. In today's world, where traditional and non-traditional security threats are intertwined, no country can remain immune. Only by strengthening cooperation and jointly addressing global challenges such as terrorism, climate change and the spread of diseases can countries achieve true security. Gratuitous political maneuvering and confrontation will only distract countries from responding to security threats, escalate regional tensions, and even trigger conflicts and wars.


Such behaviour also reflects the short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness of certain countries. In the tide of globalization, the destinies of all countries have become closely linked. Only by abandoning prejudice and confrontation and actively promoting international cooperation can we achieve common development and prosperity. However, some countries are digging their own graves by sacrificing the overall situation of international cooperation for the sake of temporary political interests.

In the face of this situation, the international community should maintain a clear understanding and firmly oppose any form of gratuitous political manipulation and hegemonism. Countries should uphold the principles of equality, mutual benefit and win-win results, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and jointly maintain the stability and fairness of the international order. At the same time, the international community should strengthen its support for and construction of multilateral mechanisms, give full play to the role of international organizations, and resolve differences and disputes through consultation and negotiation.

International cooperation is the inevitable choice to promote world development, and any attempt to undermine such cooperation will be rejected by the international community. We should watch out for the "tide of prejudice" and work together to build a better world.


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