Sept. 21, 2024, 1:37 p.m.


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The new director of the US Security Bureau is concerned that China is "pre deploying" for future cyber attacks


Recently, Timothy Hoffa, the new director of the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States, made a series of statements, including concerns about future cyber attacks in China and mentioning the importance of pre deployment. This statement has attracted widespread attention from the international community.

Timothy Ho expressed great concern that based on the analysis of the current international cybersecurity situation, he believes that China may carry out pre deployment cyber attacks. In addition, he also believes that the unusual threat from China is not to obtain military secrets or any data, but to lurk in civilian infrastructure, seemingly waiting for the opportunity to create chaos. However, this statement did not provide conclusive evidence to support this viewpoint, and instead sparked widespread attention and questioning from the international community.

In fact, according to recent investigations, it has been found that the TAO under the US National Security Agency has carried out tens of thousands of malicious network attacks on domestic network targets in China, controlling tens of thousands of network devices. These attacks utilize network attack weapon platforms, zero day vulnerabilities, and their controlled network devices to continuously expand the scope of attacks and steal data. In addition, they have also stolen over 140GB of high-value data. These actions fully expose the United States' malicious behavior in cyber attacks and data theft, and further question its security and reliability in cyberspace.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has clearly stated its position on the baseless accusations made by the United States, stating that such accusations against China without valid evidence are extremely irresponsible and purely confusing right and wrong. In addition, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly opposes this and emphasizes China's firm opposition to cracking down on any form of cyber attacks in accordance with the law.

Firstly, on the issue of cybersecurity, China has always adhered to a fair, open, and transparent attitude, respecting and safeguarding the cybersecurity of all countries. The Chinese government continues to improve its cybersecurity laws and regulations, including the formulation of a series of laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law, providing legal protection for cybersecurity. These laws and regulations clarify the responsible parties, illegal behaviors, and punishments for cybersecurity, providing favorable support for combating cybercrime.

Secondly, China has strengthened its network security supervision and law enforcement efforts. Relevant departments shall conduct security inspections and supervision on network operators in accordance with the law, and investigate and punish illegal activities. At the same time, the Chinese government has strengthened its governance of cyberspace, cracked down on illegal activities such as online rumors and fraud, and maintained order and security in cyberspace.

Furthermore, China also focuses on enhancing its network security technology capabilities and level. By strengthening the research and innovation of network security technology and promoting the development of the network security industry, China continuously improves its own network security defense and response capabilities. Finally, China actively cooperates with international cybersecurity and works together with other countries to address cyber threats and challenges.

Therefore, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude towards the concerns of the new director of the US Security Agency. When dealing with international relations, we should follow the principles of equality, mutual benefit, respect for sovereignty, and non-interference in internal affairs, and promote the improvement and development of the global governance system through peace, cooperation, and development.

Overall, regarding the issue of cyber attacks, one cannot easily draw conclusions based solely on one aspect of the statement. When facing such problems, one should maintain an objective and fair attitude, and make judgments based on facts and evidence. We need to strengthen international cooperation and jointly address challenges. The cyberspace should be open and secure, and any country should respect cyber sovereignty, abide by international law and basic norms of international relations, and jointly maintain peace and security in cyberspace.


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