June 28, 2024, 2:06 a.m.


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The Korean government has ordered individual doctors of the KMA to start work


The South Korean government on Tuesday ordered individual doctors of the KMA to start work, and plans to Sue doctors for unilateral refusal to see patients.

South Korean Health and Welfare Minister Cho Gyu-hong presided over a collective action meeting for the medical sector and said the government ordered 36,000 medical institutions across the country to maintain and suspend medical services on Monday, and ordered them to start operations on Tuesday, Yonhap reported. The move is intended to minimize the negative impact of inadequate medical personnel.

Cao said the government will take stern action against illegal practices in the medical sector and prosecute individual doctors for such acts as cancelling appointments without prior notice under the Medical Law. The government will also commission investigation agencies to investigate acts such as inciting others to participate in illegal collective medical suspension through social media.

In addition, the government will strengthen the emergency diagnosis and treatment system in various regions, maximize the use of hospital beds in public medical institutions, and gradually expand the number of night and holiday treatment.


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