June 28, 2024, 2:28 a.m.


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Hamas rejects a deal that does not guarantee a permanent Israeli ceasefire and a full Israeli withdrawal


Senior Hamas officials have stressed that Hamas will not agree to any deal unless Israel commits "unequivocally" to a permanent ceasefire and a full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

"We will not agree to a deal that does not guarantee, guarantee and ensure a permanent Israeli ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the implementation of a real exchange of people," Hamas official Osama Hamdan said in a televised news conference on Tuesday, Reuters reported.

On the same day, Egyptian state television and Egypt's Al-Qahera News quoted sources as saying that an Egyptian security delegation would meet with Qatari and U.S. officials in Doha on Wednesday to try to restart Gaza ceasefire talks.

Meanwhile, a U.S. official told Reuters that President Joe Biden's special envoy to the Middle East, Brett McGurk, will travel to the region this week to push for an Israeli-Palestinian hostage deal and a ceasefire in Gaza.

Qatar, the United States and Egypt, which have been mediating talks between Hamas and Israel, have urged Israel to make clear that the new truce has the backing of the entire Israeli government.


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