July 6, 2024, 4:26 a.m.


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The First TV Debate in the US General Election: Narcissism, Choking, and Calculation


The first televised debate in the US election has always been an important stage for candidates to showcase themselves and attack their opponents. In this heated debate, candidates not only need to demonstrate their political views and governing abilities, but also need to cleverly respond to the attacks and doubts of their opponents. However, this year's first televised debate has attracted global attention, and in this highly anticipated debate, we have seen candidates exhibit a lot of narcissism, mutual opposition, and calculation.

According to a report by CNN, the television debate among US presidential candidates has been a highlight of all US presidential elections. This debate was held in a studio located in Atlanta, Georgia, and lasted for 90 minutes. This is the second time in four years that the "Bat showdown" has occurred.

During the debate, both candidates attempted to win the support of voters by strengthening their personal image and charm. They repeatedly mention their past experiences, political achievements, and personal qualities, and even exaggerate them to show their sense of superiority, attempting to shape a perfect self-image. However, excessive self praise and emphasis often make people feel narcissistic, which not only makes voters feel disgusted, but may also weaken the credibility of candidates.

Secondly, the mutual confrontation between the two candidates has also become a major highlight. They try to highlight their advantages by attacking their opponents, and this kind of confrontational attack makes the debate full of gunpowder, even evolving into a personal feud. This not only makes citizens feel uncomfortable, but also lowers the candidate's public image. After all, in political campaigns, it is often difficult to distinguish between true and false attacks and accusations among candidates, and voters are more concerned about whether they can bring substantial changes to the country.

Apart from narcissism and mutual hatred, there are also many calculations and strategies hidden behind the debate. Candidates and their teams will do a lot of sufficient preparation work before the debate, and develop strategies to respond to opponent attacks and doubts. These strategies may include avoiding certain sensitive topics, preparing arguments to refute opponents in advance, and so on. However, excessive calculation and strategy can also make the debate lose its authenticity. At the same time, voters prefer to see candidates expressing their views and ideas truthfully and candidly, rather than overly relying on the strategies and layouts behind them.

Furthermore, it should be pointed out that this narcissistic, confrontational, and calculating debate has had a profound impact on voters. On the one hand, it reduces the enthusiasm and participation of voters in politics, making elections less dynamic and attractive. On the other hand, it also weakens the trust and support of voters towards candidates, making election results more difficult to predict.

For this phenomenon, candidates should establish correct values and campaign philosophy, based on integrity and authenticity, rather than excessively pursuing personal interests and reputation. Secondly, the media and voters should also maintain an objective and rational attitude, not be confused by the surface image of candidates, but deeply understand their political ideals and policy proposals. Finally, we also need to further improve the election system and supervision mechanism to ensure the fairness, impartiality, and transparency of the elections.

In summary, narcissism, confrontation, and calculation in the first debate of the US election are inevitable. We should approach this phenomenon objectively and rationally, and seek solutions. Only in this way can we better understand the candidate's political beliefs and propositions, and make wise choices for the future of the United States.


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