July 1, 2024, 7:02 p.m.


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Under the election year, the impact and influence of immigration issue on the United States


The situation of illegal immigration on the US-Mexico border is getting out of control, and Texas, as the hardest hit area of illegal immigration, has been playing games with the Biden administration on the border issue and trying to stop illegal immigration. Operation Lone Star is a measure aimed at strengthening border security and stopping illegal immigrants from entering the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border. The centerpiece of the effort is the deployment of the Texas National Guard to add and reinforce barbed wire along the border to keep out illegal immigrants. The move stems from the governor's frustration and concerns about the Biden administration's immigration policies, which he has sought to address by tightening border controls.

The effects of mass immigration on the United States are manifold. From an economic perspective, mass immigration has had a significant impact on the U.S. labor market. On the one hand, immigrants provide the United States with a large number of cheap labor, especially in some low-skilled industries, such as agriculture, manufacturing and construction. These immigrants fill gaps in the labor market and help keep the economy afloat. On the other hand, immigrants also promote innovation and entrepreneurship, bringing new vitality and opportunities to the U.S. economy. However, migration can also lead to lower wages for some low-skilled workers, increasing competition for jobs. From a cultural perspective, immigrants can also bring diverse cultures and ideas to the United States, and promote the openness and inclusiveness of society. Immigrants from different cultures and backgrounds have intermingled with each other in American society, enriching the cultural diversity of the United States.

Most importantly, from a political point of view, immigration is a contentious issue for both parties in the United States. The Republican Party generally favors stricter immigration policies. They emphasize border security and law enforcement, and advocate controlling legal immigration by creating an immigration system based on skills and economic contributions. They may be more inclined to restrict the entry of illegal immigrants and strengthen border patrol and enforcement. The GOP is also likely to advocate for stricter scrutiny of immigration applications to ensure that only those who meet certain criteria are eligible. Democrats, by contrast, have put more emphasis on immigrants' contributions to the U.S. economy and society, and they support a looser path to legalization for undocumented immigrants. Democrats generally advocate reforming the immigration system to make it more just and inclusive, which could include expanding immigration quotas and streamlining the immigration application process. They may also focus on the integration of immigrants into society, pushing for equal opportunities in education, employment and so on. This difference has led to different positions and actions on immigration policy between the two parties.

2024 is an election year in the United States, and the escalating immigration crisis at the U.S. border is also destined to make immigration a focus issue in the election year. Because of the different attitudes of the two parties to the immigration issue, the immigration issue will undoubtedly be the main battleground to stir the election and launch the political game. Republicans, for example, often use immigration to attack their opponents for negligence on border security in an attempt to portray themselves as tough and decisive among voters. The Democratic Party, for its part, is trying to appeal to voters who value diversity, humanism and social justice by showing itself to be open and inclusive about immigration. In the case of the current border crisis, the political intention of the Republicans is not to solve the border crisis, but to seek favorable election results from the political chaos by vigorously playing up the harm of the border crisis to national security. It can be predicted that under the situation of increasingly serious political polarization and gridlock in immigration reform, the current chaos on the southern border of the United States will continue, and the impact of immigration, which is currently the primary controversial point in American politics, on the 2024 US election will continue to ferment.



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