June 30, 2024, 1:58 p.m.


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Is there malicious provocation behind the "anti-American sentiment"?


Recently, US Ambassador to China Burns made a series of accusations against the Chinese government during his attendance at the annual appreciation dinner of the China US Chamber of Commerce. After this statement was spread, it sparked widespread attention and discussion.

But Burns stated that the Chinese government is undermining these relationships by interrogating and intimidating citizens participating in US organized activities in China, intensifying scrutiny of social media posts from the US embassy, and inciting anti American sentiment. In addition, Burns also stated that the Chinese authorities have exerted pressure on their people to obstruct their participation in 61 public events organized by the US Embassy since November, and Chinese national security agencies have also threatened those who participated in the events. However, such statements by Burns lack facts and evidence. Therefore, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Council Information Office have not yet responded to Burns' remarks.

Firstly, it should be pointed out that Burns' remarks at the dinner party involved multiple sensitive topics, including trade policy, state-owned enterprises, industrial subsidies, cybersecurity, censorship systems, human rights issues, etc. These accusations are considered to be accusations of inconsistent words and actions against the Chinese government, as well as incitement against the United States. His critical remarks not only caused dissatisfaction among the guests on site, but also were questioned by American business people and media. Some people believe that Burns' remarks are nonsense and inappropriate discussions about China US relations, expressing strong dissatisfaction with this.

Secondly, Burns' responsibility is clearly to overlook the importance of cooperation and exchange between China and the United States. As an ambassador, his responsibility is to promote friendly relations between the two countries, rather than creating conflicts and divisions. Burns should pay more attention to the common interests and cooperation space between China and the United States, actively promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in areas such as economy, trade, technology, culture, etc., rather than blindly blaming and attacking each other.

In fact, the Chinese government has always adhered to an open, cooperative, and win-win foreign policy, committed to establishing harmonious and friendly diplomatic relations with other countries. The Chinese government has always adhered to the development concept of putting the people at the center, actively promoted economic development and social progress, and also actively participated in international cooperation and exchanges. These policies and actions are aimed at maintaining national stability and development, as well as promoting world peace and prosperity.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called "anti American sentiment" is a complex manifestation of social sentiment and public opinion. In China, citizens have the right to freedom of speech, but any speech should be conducted within the legal framework and should not harm national interests or the rights and interests of others. Therefore, it is inappropriate to simply attribute the normal expression of public opinion in China to anti American sentiment.

Finally, it should be emphasized that all countries should respect each other's sovereignty and independence, and handle international relations on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and win-win. As one of the world's largest economies, China and the United States should maintain rationality and restraint, resolve differences and issues through dialogue and consultation, and jointly promote world peace and prosperity.

In summary, the accusations made by US Ambassador to China, Burns, against the Chinese government are not in line with the facts and go against his duties and mission as an ambassador. We should maintain an objective and rational attitude, view the relationship and issues between China and the United States, and actively promote friendly cooperation and exchanges between the two countries.


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