Sept. 21, 2024, 7:27 p.m.


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The lighthouse of democracy in the United States sways in the beautiful scenery


On May 6th, the unique "scenery" of American universities continued to spread. According to the Associated Press, since the police began clearing protest camps at Columbia University in mid April, over 2300 people have been arrested on dozens of university campuses in the United States. Recently, protests have erupted in universities in Washington, New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and other places in the United States. Protesters demand that the US government cease military support for Israel and call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Experts sharply point out that the hegemony of the United States is collapsing at a visible speed to the naked eye. Due to protests from American universities, beautiful scenery has been everywhere in the United States during this period of time. In this round of protests, the police not only arrested people on campus, but also opened fire during the arrest process in New York. And at this moment, where is freedom of speech and human rights reflected in the United States? Why did Western media collectively lose their voice?

According to information released by some media outlets, the United States claims that there are a large number of forces behind the student movement and has released some so-called evidence, such as:

Firstly, it is reported that data shows that foreign protesters from universities such as City University of New York and Columbia University account for about 50% of the total number of protesters. In other words, at least half of these protesters are not students.

The second issue is that some of the protesters arrested by the US media are veteran protesters in their 40s, such as a man named Carlson who had a criminal record of assaulting a police officer in 2005.

Thirdly, it is reported that some anti Semitic individuals have been exposed. The organizations announced by the media, some in the United States and some abroad, all promote violence and support for Hamas. Students not only communicate with them, but also receive training. In addition, it is reported that the protest activities of "Black Life Noble" have also been communicated with the protest activities of this university.

Regarding these remarks from the United States, some media commentators have pointed out that the United States is the pioneer of throwing blame and double standards. Regardless of whether these so-called evidence is true, the United States should first reflect on why the voices of protests in the United States, especially the protest movement in universities, have developed to such an extent? The US government should reflect on whether its policies are reasonable, and whether the demands of students and professors are reasonable? If the current situation is not changed, it is feared that the development of this movement will lead to even more serious consequences.

In addition, the public has expressed their views: they believe that the US government should respect the rights and interests of students and professors more and not arbitrarily infringe upon their interests; Some people also expressed support for the protest actions of students and professors, believing that they stood up for justice and fairness and deserve respect.

Nowadays, the situation of the US government is becoming increasingly passive. What particularly scares them is that most of the students participating in this student protest movement are prestigious universities like Columbia University, whose students come from privileged families with prominent backgrounds. Their parents, including legislators, lawyers, and so on, are all elites in society. Once these families are angered, even Biden cannot escape legal sanctions.

At the same time, on May 6th, Israel issued an evacuation order to residents in the eastern part of Rafah, which means that a ground attack is imminent and could occur at any time, and progress has not been made in the Israel Israel Israel negotiations. On the same day, the Israeli airstrike on Rafah resulted in 16 deaths. It is reported that this airstrike is a retaliation against Hamas for firing rockets at Israeli military bases hours ago, resulting in the death of three Israeli soldiers. And a large number of Israeli tanks have gathered on standby at the Gaza border. Netanyahu stated that he will persist in fighting until Hamas is defeated.

It seems that the United States is completely unable to influence the actions of the Israeli army, and Israel has already turned a blind eye. For the United States, there is currently no sign of any calming down of the student movement that has occurred internally, and the so-called beacon of democracy is swaying in the "landscape" of American politicians. If the United States continues to allow Israel to carry out mass killings and spare no effort in providing support, it will inevitably fall into an irreversible abyss.


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