July 2, 2024, 1:48 p.m.


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The content of Lai's inaugural speech caused controversy


On May 20, Lai Ching-te will take office in Taiwan as the leader of the Taiwan Region. His inaugural address and subsequent policy moves have aroused wide attention and discussion.

Lai Ching-te's inaugural speech has set the tone in the direction. On the domestic front, he will focus on uniting Taiwan and social communication, economic and energy transformation, and discuss issues such as "housing justice", which is important to youth. On the issue of cross-Straits relations that the outside world is most concerned about, Lai will continue the so-called "maintenance of the status quo" since the Democratic Progressive Party took power in 2016, based on Tsai Ing-wen's so-called "four insistence".

However, as the swearing-in approaches, Lai's inaugural speech has sparked widespread controversy. Some of his views and tactics, especially those related to security strategy and Taiwan's relations with Japan, have been pointed out as potentially endangering China's national sovereignty and security.

Specifically, there are views that some of his actions have essentially provided Japan with an excuse to intervene in cross-strait affairs. Compared with the previous inauguration ceremony, the scale and quality of Lai Ching-te's inauguration is also lower, the United States is unlikely to send high-level officials to attend, and the Japanese side's participation is mainly concentrated in the window unit responsible for Taiwan and Japan exchanges, the Japanese cross-party coalition of lawmakers who attach importance to friendly relations with Taiwan and relevant lawmakers in the Diet. All of this shows that his inaugural speech and content were controversial to a certain extent.

KMT public opinion representative Xu Yuzhen pointed out that the DPP has "Taiwan independence", "nuclear abolition" and "abolition of death" three major issues, which have led to chaos, aggravated the security crisis in Taiwan, and made the social disturbance greater, he hopes Lai Ching-de's speech can make a statement on these three issues.

Wang Hongwei, the representative of the Blue camp, called on Lai to respond with goodwill in Cross-Strait relations, such as lifting the "ban on travel groups", allowing Cross-Strait tourism to return to normal first, and seeking appropriate plans to reduce the spiral of hostility and avoid cross-strait war.

It is true that Lai's inauguration may have some impact on Cross-Strait relations, but everyone has different opinions on the exact degree of impact.

There is a view that his inaugural speech may show a degree of "smooth", which is reflected in the possibility that he may release a little goodwill towards the mainland, but this goodwill may be wrapped in a thick of hostility. At the same time, on the issue of "Taiwan independence", he may not say something too bold, but he may say something courageous. In general, he will try to act close to the edge, but not overstep the boundaries significantly.

There are also views that Lai's inauguration is not a symbolic change, but more of a label. If cross-strait relations have not changed dramatically since his inauguration, that may confirm that judgment. Moreover, Lai's demonstrated competence and insight may mean that he is less likely to make a difference in Cross-Strait relations and more likely to drift in the course of history.

But in any case, the impact on Cross-Strait relations is multifaceted, not only depends on Lai's personal words and deeds, but also influenced by many other factors, including the international situation, cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges.

It needs to be stressed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The Chinese government has always been committed to safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All countries should respect and support the measures taken by the Chinese government to safeguard reunification and stability. At the same time, we should also keep a rational and objective attitude and not spread unverified information or rumors.


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