July 8, 2024, 9:41 p.m.


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Effect and analysis of virtual power plant


Virtual Power Plant (Virtual Power Plant) is known as the "bridge" for users to interact with the large power grid, and through advanced Internet of Things, 5G communication and big data technology, the user can adjust resources with many points, wide coverage and small single capacity. The virtual power plant is not a real power plant, but a new generation of intelligent control technology and interactive business model that aggregates and optimizes the clean and low-carbon development of "source-net-load". For example, during periods of tight power supply, the virtual power plant platform can directly dispatch massive and dispersed power resources such as charging piles, air conditioners, and energy storage to reduce power consumption through them. In addition, the virtual power plant platform has the advantages of reducing the construction of conventional power supplies, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, and driving the development of energy-saving equipment, software services and other industries.

Virtual power plants can operate in many different ways. According to the different use scenarios, the operation mode of the virtual power plant is not the same, there are urban virtual power plant, industrial virtual power plant and other application modes. Urban virtual power plant resources include air conditioning load, electric vehicles, mobile base stations, distributed power supply, energy storage, charging stations, etc., with the characteristics of dense buildings and high power intensity in the core area. With the improvement of economic level and the upgrading of consumption concept, the rapid growth of adjustable load resources, the continuous improvement of the demand for load flexibility, the enhancement of load adjustment capacity during peak hours, the reduction of electricity without shifting peak electricity consumption, directly reduce carbon emissions. High-energy-consuming industries generally use low electricity prices and centralized production at night, resulting in low utilization of local power grids during the day and high load rates at night, threatening the safety of power grid operation and power supply. Industrial peaking virtual power plants need to investigate and register the equipment and production links of enterprises with peak shifting capabilities in advance, generate safe and intelligent regulation strategies in advance, and help enterprises actively cut out the production lines supporting short-term power outages as needed to avoid losses caused by power rationing.

The positive impact of virtual power plant technology on society is multifaceted, covering many fields such as economy and environment.

On the economic side, by optimizing energy production and consumption, virtual power plants can reduce electricity demand during peak periods, thereby reducing overall energy costs. The introduction of virtual power plant can increase the competition in electricity market and promote the rationalization of electricity price. The development of virtual power plants also requires a large amount of technology research and development, equipment manufacturing, system integration and operation and maintenance services, which will bring new investment and job opportunities and promote economic development.

In terms of the environment, by improving the utilization of renewable energy and optimizing energy consumption, virtual power plants can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping to combat climate change. At the same time, through intelligent scheduling and optimal management, virtual power plant can reduce energy waste, improve energy utilization efficiency, and contribute to sustainable utilization of resources. Virtual power plants can make greater use of clean energy, thereby reducing air pollution and other environmental pollution problems.

Although the virtual power plant has many positive significance, it is not the "savior" to solve the energy problem, and it is also accompanied by many special risks.

First of all, virtual power plants only more efficiently coordinate distributed power generation resources and various forms of available power generation capacity or stock power, and achieve more intelligent allocation of electricity, but can not fundamentally solve the "shortage" problem. Second, for the energy industry, access to digital technologies and new control systems is vital, but integrating the critical equipment of a virtual power plant into a larger, more complex system exposes some relatively safe aspects to possible cyber attacks.

As an ideal management system, the necessity of virtual power plant for the power system of the new era cannot be ignored, but this does not mean that it can surpass the existing grid, or completely replace the existing energy supply model. We do not need, nor should we have unrealistic illusions about the virtual grid, but we should be wary of the atmosphere of speculation.


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