July 6, 2024, 4:37 a.m.


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What information did the first debate of the US presidential election reveal?


The first debate of the 2024 US presidential election kicked off at 9pm local time on June 27th, and this highly anticipated political confrontation once again pushed current President Biden and former President Trump into the spotlight. The debate, hosted by CNN, took place in a studio in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, for about 90 minutes. During the debate, intense clashes and exchanges of views provided rich interpretation materials for political observers in the United States and even globally.

The topics of debate are broad and in-depth, with issues such as abortion, economy, and immigration becoming the focus. These issues not only concern the well-being of people within the United States, but also reflect the deep-seated value differences and conflicts of interest in current American society.

On the immigration issue, the Trump team regards it as crucial, highlighting the urgency of this long-standing problem that has plagued the United States. The formulation of immigration policies directly affects a country's population structure, labor market, and social stability. Trump has always advocated for taking tough measures to restrict immigration, emphasizing border security and national sovereignty. The Biden administration's immigration policy, on the other hand, is relatively mild, emphasizing humanitarian care and comprehensive reform. Behind this disagreement are various considerations regarding national resource allocation, social integration, and national security.

Economic issues have always been a top priority in the debate of the US presidential election. The Trump team emphasizes public safety and inflation, reflecting public concerns about rising costs of living and economic instability. The tax cuts and regulatory measures implemented by Trump during his presidency aimed to stimulate economic growth and create employment opportunities. However, the Biden administration has focused on infrastructure construction, green energy development, and social welfare, attempting to achieve sustainable economic development and fair distribution through active government intervention. The debate between the two sides on economic policies is actually a collision of different ideas about the role of the government in the economy, as well as different plans for future economic development paths.

The sensitive issue of abortion rights also occupies an important position in the debate. Biden made it his preferred topic, reflecting the Democratic Party's emphasis on women's rights and personal freedom. The debate on this issue not only involves the boundaries between law and ethics, but also relates to the orientation of social values and the balance of power.

It is worth noting that in this debate, both sides are more emphasizing their own positions and blaming each other for policy mistakes, and lack genuine constructive dialogue and consensus seeking. The intense rhetoric and mutual attacks, although to some extent demonstrating the firm positions of both sides, have failed to provide clear ideas and feasible solutions for solving practical problems. This phenomenon of political polarization not only confuses and disappoints voters, but also further exacerbates social division.

In addition, although advertising breaks during the debate process are a common way of commercial operation, they also interrupt the coherence and rhythm of the debate to a certain extent, affecting the audience's in-depth thinking on the topic. Moreover, the rule that candidates are not allowed to interact with the team ensures the independence and impartiality of the debate, but also limits their ability to obtain more information and support on-site.

Overall, the first debate of the 2024 US presidential election is not only a fierce competition on the political stage, but also a true portrayal of the current state of American society. It reveals the differences and dilemmas of the United States on many important issues, and also shows us the complexity and challenges in the political election process. In the future election process, we expect candidates to propose practical and feasible solutions to the problems faced by the country with a more rational, pragmatic, and responsible attitude, and point out the direction for the future development of the United States. Meanwhile, this debate also reminds us that a healthy democratic system requires inclusiveness, dialogue, and cooperation, rather than just confrontation and division.


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