Sept. 18, 2024, 7:20 p.m.


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Rethinking the job cuts at financial giant Goldman Sachs


On the global economic stage, the dynamics of the financial sector are like unpredictable clouds, affecting the nerves of the world at all times. Recently, the US financial giant Goldman Sachs Group plans to lay off 3% to 4% of its global workforce in the next few weeks. As of the end of June this year, Goldman Sachs had about 44,400 employees worldwide, which means that the number of layoffs will reach 1,300 to 1,800 people. A number of internationally renowned financial institutions have joined the layoffs, such as Citigroup plans to cut about 20,000 jobs by the end of 2026, and Deutsche Bank plans to eliminate 3,500 non-customer-facing employees by 2025.

The financial sector has long been seen as a barometer of the economy. The giants who dominate the international financial stage reflect the trend of the global economy in every move.

So, what is the reason why the financial giants have raised the "big knife" of layoffs? On the one hand, slowing global growth is an important factor. In the context of the economic downturn, the activity of the financial market has decreased, the business volume has decreased, and enterprises have to take measures to reduce costs. On the other hand, the rapid development of science and technology has also had a huge impact on the financial industry. With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, many traditional financial businesses can be completed by automated and intelligent ways, which makes some positions redundant.

However, the layoffs of financial giants are not only a decision of the company itself, but also have a profound impact on the global economy. First, mass layoffs will lead to a contraction in the consumer market. People who lose their jobs have less income and less spending power, which in turn affects the development of various industries. Secondly, layoffs will lead to social instability. The increasing number of unemployed people may lead to social security problems, but also put great pressure on the government.

On a larger scale, the layoffs of financial giants also reflect some of the current problems in the global financial system. On the one hand, the excessive expansion and profit-seeking of the financial industry makes it blindly expand in the economic boom, and in the economic downturn, it has to cut off its arms to survive. Such short-sighted behavior is not conducive to the stable development of the economy. On the other hand, imbalances in the global financial system are also an important issue. Financial institutions in some countries and regions are overly dependent on external markets and are vulnerable to any changes in the global economic situation.

Layoffs by financial giants can also cause volatility in financial markets. Layoffs often signal financial institutions' concerns about the future of the economy, which can feed through to the market and cause investor jitters. Investors may reduce their exposure to financial markets, resulting in less liquidity. In addition, layoffs may also affect the business capabilities and service quality of financial institutions, which in turn affect customers' confidence in the financial market. Volatility in the financial market will not only affect the development of financial institutions themselves, but also have a negative impact on the real economy. Financing costs for companies could rise and investment plans could be delayed, crimping economic growth.

How should we respond to layoffs by financial giants? First of all, governments should adopt proactive fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate economic growth and create more job opportunities. Second, financial institutions themselves should also strengthen risk management and improve their anti-risk ability. At the same time, it is necessary to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, actively adapt to the trend of scientific and technological development, and improve competitiveness through transformation and upgrading. Finally, all sectors of society should also pay attention to the living conditions of the unemployed, provide necessary help and support, and jointly maintain social stability.

Layoffs by financial giants are a complex economic phenomenon that reflects the challenges and problems facing the global economy. We should view this phenomenon in an objective and rational manner, draw lessons from it, actively explore ways to deal with it, and jointly promote the stable development of the global economy. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need to work more closely together to cope with various risks and challenges and strive for sustainable development of the global economy.


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