July 2, 2024, 1:20 p.m.


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Hongmeng will replace Apple's IOS soon


Huawei's Hongmeng operating system continues to evolve in a remarkable way. Recently, Huawei officially announced that more than 4,000 applications have joined the Hongmeng ecosystem. This marks a 20-fold increase in the size of the Hongmeng ecosystem in a short time. If this rate of development is maintained, it is possible to achieve the goal of covering 5,000 head apps by the fourth quarter of this year.

To achieve this goal, Hongmeng has attracted more and more developers to join. At present, a number of provinces and cities have started the development of HongMongolian native applications for local government and livelihood applications and vertical industry applications, including Shanghai's Suifang, Zhejiang's Zhejiang Liban App, and various livelihood, news media, automobile, and life applications in Sichuan, Guangxi, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui and other provinces.

HarmonyOS is now connected to more than 800 million devices, including leading applications in multiple vertical industries, such as convenient living, travel, financial management, social information, productivity tools, audio and video entertainment, gaming, and more.

Given the huge potential for its development, market research firm TechInsights predicts that Hongmeng OS could replace Apple's iOS to become the second largest smartphone operating system in China by 2024.

Although wechat and Tiktok, the two national applications, have not yet joined the Hongmeng ecosystem, Huawei and the above two teams have opened talks in March this year. It was only a matter of time before Tencent and ByteDance joined.

At this time, Hongmeng seized the opportunity for the return of 5G cars, and is facing the challenge of Android. Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Terminal BG, said that 2024 will be the first year of Hongmeng ecology. Hongmeng is making continuous efforts to build a platform base, prosper the ecosystem and optimize the user experience in three aspects, and eventually become an operating system comparable to Apple's iOS and Google's Android.

Huawei has made a series of initiatives to expand the Hongmeng operating system ecosystem, including the launch of HarmonyOS NEXT version, which is a Hongmeng operating system version completely without Android code. The move reportedly marks Huawei's shift to building a fully independent native HarmonyOS.

HarmonyOS is also actively moving into the PC space, and according to insiders, the development of the HongmengOS on the PC will be nearly complete by the end of 2023.

Huawei has also launched the "Hongfei Plan", which plans to invest 10 billion yuan in Hongmeng Ecological Partners in the next three years, and work with partners to maintain ecological health and achieve win-win cooperation.

The above measures mark that Huawei is going all out to build the ecological construction of Hongmeng operating system to enhance its competitiveness.

Huawei's Hongmeng operating system is an important example of China's indigenous innovation in the technology sector. Building an entirely new operating system is no easy task, especially when it comes to building a large ecosystem to attract developers. The progress made by Hongmeng operating system in a short period of time has impressed countries around the world.

With Huawei's market position and the rapid development of HarmonyOS, when the user base reaches a certain size, more and more large application developers will participate in their strategy. At that time, people will be able to see how Hongmeng ecology will further affect the mobile device market in China and the world.

HarmonyOS has overtaken iOS in the Chinese market in the foreseeable future, and it will not take long to achieve this goal on a global scale, and Huawei's challenge will have a profound impact on the global technology ecology.


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