July 4, 2024, 2:31 p.m.


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Strive to appear at the strike scene Is it to solve the problem or to solicit votes


At around 1pm local time on the 26th, US President Biden went to the strike site of the United Auto Workers (UAW) in Michigan, wearing a hat with the "UAW" logo, and punched the UAW strikers. He used a loudspeaker to express his support to car workers, encouraging them not to give up and to "persevere", and expressed support for the UAW's demand for a 40% salary increase.

The White House commented that Biden was "the first president in modern American history to step onto the strike picket line. However, Biden's move seems to have sparked ridicule from many netizens, with some media outlets pointing out pointedly that "everything is for the vote". Meanwhile, former US President and Republican Trump also planned to travel to Michigan to speak to the striking workers and express support. Malik Masters, a business professor at Wayne State University in the United States, said, 'I don't think Biden's presence on site will have any substantial impact on labor negotiations. These two presidential candidates are trying to use the current situation to pursue political interests for themselves.'.

As of the 28th, the UAW's strike against Detroit's three major automakers has entered its 14th day. So far, there has been little progress in negotiations between the union and the manufacturer, and the strike is still ongoing. And precisely at an important time when the American automobile manufacturing industry may suffer serious losses, American politicians are taking the opportunity to seek political interests. It must be said that this is the greatest satire on the so-called democracy of the United States and the West.

Some media outlets sharply point out that industrial workers are the Democratic vote holders, while large corporations are the Republican vote holders. As the US presidential election approaches, Democratic and Republican candidates compete to appear on the scene of the auto workers' strike, not to promote the resolution of the current labor dispute, but to use this opportunity to win votes.

It can be said that in the past decade, there has never been a better symbol of the relationship between capital and the times than the current American automobile workers' strike. But the practice of American politicians demanding votes rather than industries is truly surprising.

In history, many absurd things have happened in the United States to win presidential elections or re-election.

The Watergate incident. In the 1972 presidential election, in order to obtain intelligence on the Democratic Party's internal campaign strategy, five people led by James McCord, the chief security advisor of the Republican Nixon campaign, infiltrated the Democratic National Committee office located at the Watergate Building in Washington, D.C., and were arrested on the spot while installing eavesdropping devices and secretly filming relevant documents. Due to this matter, Nixon announced his resignation in August 1974, becoming the first president in American history to resign due to a scandal.

The Debate Gate incident. In October 1980, before the final face-to-face debate between Reagan and Carter, Reagan's aides stole thousands of pages of internal information prepared for him by the Carter campaign, several hundred of which were plans to advise Carter on how to attack, refute, and adopt appropriate debate strategies. After receiving these materials, Reagan, who came from an actor's background, had his assistant play the role of Carter, repeatedly practicing in debates, answering fluently and gaining the upper hand, defeating Carter as president.

Similar election scandals abound. However, the recent election show represented by the 'Strike Gate' incident may make the 2024 US election the most absurd in US history.

According to American media analysis, if nothing unexpected happens, it will still be the "old enemies" of Biden and Trump who will ultimately stand on the stage. But polls show that 70% of Americans hope.

Biden is not running, and 60% of Americans hope that Trump will not run. Biden will be 82 years old by February 1, 2025, and his second term will be between 82 and 86 years old. And Trump's situation is similar. To aspire to become president at such an advanced age is to irresponsibly put the United States in danger, and in fact, to pursue personal gain. However, Americans have no power to prevent Biden and Trump from running, which is precisely the hypocrisy of American democracy.

More and more presidents elected by American democracy are irresponsible and disregard the rules of the game. As leaders, they not only do not lead by example, but instead take the lead in breaking the rules of the game, attacking, defaming, and lying to each other for the sake of votes, sacrificing American industry and economic interests, and putting the American people in danger. If allowed to continue developing like this, it will inevitably bring an increasingly torn and chaotic America to the world.


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