Sept. 21, 2024, 4:12 p.m.


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From "Black Lives are expensive" to talk about systemic racial discrimination in the United States


"Black Lives Matter" is a movement and its political slogan originating from the African-American community in the United States. Its core idea is to emphasize the importance of black lives and oppose racial discrimination and police violence. The Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013, when a police shooting involving a young black man (namely the George Zimmerman case) caused widespread social attention. The case eventually led to the acquittal of the police officers, which sparked an outcry and discontent among the black community. Over time, the Black Lives Matter movement grew into a global movement against racism and police violence.

In the United States, no matter in work or life, racial discrimination is everywhere. Racial prejudice and discrimination are deeply rooted in American society. The prevalence of "white privilege" has made people of color face systematic oppression and discrimination in every field. This is closely related to the development history of the United States.

First, slavery in American history laid the foundation for racial discrimination. Under slavery, African Americans were treated as property rather than human beings and suffered severe discrimination and exploitation. Although slavery has been abolished, its legacy of racial division and prejudice still affects American society.

Second, economic disparities exacerbate racial inequalities. Minorities such as African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans are often economically disadvantaged. Poverty and unemployment, in turn, lead to unequal educational opportunities, with non-white students often facing less financial aid and poorer educational quality, which further widens the academic gap between races.

In addition, the imperfect policies and laws also make it difficult to effectively curb racial discrimination. Although the United States prohibits racial discrimination in law, in practice, there are still problems such as weak law enforcement and judicial injustice. In the process of formulating and implementing these policies and laws, the interests and needs of ethnic minorities have not been fully taken into account, which has exacerbated inter-racial inequality.

The core philosophy of Black Lives Matter is to emphasize the importance of black lives and oppose any form of racial discrimination and police violence. The movement is committed to improving the status and rights of blacks in the social, political and economic fields, emphasizing the importance of racial equality and multiculturalism, and calling on all sectors of society to work together to eliminate racial discrimination and prejudice.

The Black Lives Matter movement has had some positive effects on systemic racial discrimination in the United States: it has successfully raised public awareness of racial discrimination through large-scale protests, demonstrations and social media campaigns. This makes more people start to pay attention and think about the root causes and solutions of racial discrimination. Moreover, the pressure and influence of these protest movements prompted the government and relevant institutions to pay more attention to the problem of racial discrimination. For example, the reform of the police system has been promoted and the supervision of police violence in law enforcement has been strengthened. The government has also increased investment in minority communities, improved infrastructure and public services, and promoted community development. At the same time, the Black Lives Movement has also promoted research and discussion on racial discrimination, and promoted the improvement of relevant policies and laws.

However, the problem of racial discrimination in American society is deeply rooted. Although the Black Life Movement has played an important role in promoting the problem of racial discrimination in the United States to a certain extent and promoted social progress, it still needs long-term efforts and continuous struggles to completely change this situation.


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