July 4, 2024, 3:02 p.m.


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Tens of thousands of healthcare workers in the United States are on strike, will the wave of strikes continue to spread?


 According to an AFP report from Los Angeles on October 4th, as labor dissatisfaction continues to rise in the United States, tens of thousands of healthcare workers left their jobs on the 4th, marking one of the largest strikes in the industry's modern history. Caesar Medical Group, the largest non-profit healthcare organization in the United States, has more than 75000 employees on strike. At this point, whether it's Hollywood actors or Detroit auto workers, soaring inflation has stimulated industrial workers across the United States to take action. Due to high inflation, labor shortages, and unequal distribution issues, large-scale strikes have erupted in multiple industries in the United States, including film and television and manufacturing, this year, which has had an impact on the US economy and brought many inconveniences to the American people.

  The largest medical strike in American history has begun. On October 4th, more than 75000 healthcare workers from the largest private medical institution in the United States, the Kaiser Medical Group Union, went on strike due to the failure of both labor and management to reach an agreement on a new contract. This is the largest medical strike in American history.

  In order to minimize the impact on patients, Caesar Medical Group has stated that it will hire temporary workers to fill some vacancies, but will postpone some appointments if necessary and guide some patients to seek medical treatment at other pharmacies. The strike is expected to last for three days, and after the strikes by car workers and Hollywood screenwriters, workplaces such as hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics have also become industries affected by the labor action this year. Caesar Medical Group serves 12.7 million people in 40 hospitals and over 620 medical clinics, most of which are located on the West Coast, but also in Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, and Virginia. Caesar Medical Group has approximately 213000 non doctor employees. A union spokesperson said that employees in Washington, D.C., and Virginia plan to go on strike for one day, while employees in California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington will go on strike for three days. This strike is also the largest strike operation since the US Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting such data in 1993.

  The American auto workers' strike has caused nearly $4 billion in economic losses. At the same time, it is reported that since September 15th, the American automobile workers' strike has been ongoing, with approximately 25000 workers participating in the strike. This strike has had a serious impact on the US economy. The latest report from Anderson Economic Group points out that the decline in production by American car companies during the strike, coupled with additional costs for suppliers, dealers, and consumers, has caused nearly $4 billion in losses over the past two weeks. The strike by American car workers involves Detroit's three major automakers: General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. As of now, workers from two General Motors assembly plants and 20 parts distribution departments have participated in strikes, resulting in an average daily loss of $12.5 million for the company. Given that there are no signs of an end to the current strike, if the United Auto Workers of America closes more factories or departments in the coming weeks, this number will greatly increase. Consumers have also been affected by the strike. Due to a shortage of new car supply, some consumers have had to postpone their car purchase plans. Some consumers also need to pay additional fees when purchasing a new car, as dealers have to increase the car price to compensate for the increase in production costs.

  The film and television industry has also sparked a wave of strikes. Hollywood screenwriters and actors have also sparked a wave of strikes. In early May of this year, due to the breakdown of negotiations between the American Writers Association and the American Federation of Film and Television Producers, the American Writers Association approved a strike proposal with a high vote, and began the strike on May 2nd, demanding major film and television companies to increase their screenwriting salaries and distribute surplus profits on streaming platforms. In addition, the Writers Association of America also proposed protective measures for the use of artificial intelligence to the American Federation of Film and Television Producers, further fermenting the incident. According to the report, on July 13th, the American Actors Guild, which has over 160000 members, announced that due to the breakdown of negotiations between the union and management such as film production companies, they will join the writers' strike. Since then, Hollywood has launched its first comprehensive strike in 63 years, with most film and television production interrupted. According to preliminary statistics, the collective strike of screenwriters and actors has caused losses to the US film and television industry exceeding $10 billion.


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