June 28, 2024, 2:29 a.m.


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Is it a bully or a pusher? —On the G7 Summit in 2024


The 2024 G7 summit, to be held in the southern Italian city of Sano from June 13 to 17, will focus on topics such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the situation in Gaza, climate change and artificial intelligence. With the opening of the summit, the international community is aroused, the international situation is unstable and the growing war problem, in the background of these major events, the contents of the summit will be in focus.

One of the most interesting discussions at the summit was the war between Russia and Ukraine. Regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine, the summit focused on the question of what role China would play. There was a general recognition in the summit discussions that China was a country assisting Russia in its war effort, as reflected in the G-7 communique, which said, "We continue to take measures, consistent with our legal system, against Chinese and third country actors who provide material support to the Russian war machine." And "including financial institutions, as well as taking measures against other Chinese entities that facilitate Russia's procurement of supplies for its defense industrial base." These two words would have been almost impossible to appear at the summit in previous years, but this year, China's prominent and amplified reference in the summit makes one wonder what the US-led summit is really meant to do.

Under the current international situation, although the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, the limelight has been overshadowed by the more serious Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Protests are taking place all over the world, and even around the summit venue, there are many protests. At this time, the Russia-Ukraine war was highlighted at the summit, if analyzed from this point, One can conclude that this is an attempt by the G7 to divert the attention of the international community and shift the focus from Israel back to Russia. It has been a torrid few months for the United States and Europe, with the ongoing protests at home disrupting and attacking governments around the world, so diverting the attention of the international community is now a priority for the summit.

Of course, there are other points of view as to why the summit was so focused on issues such as Russia and Ukraine, such as the Politico report, which said that the summit looked more like a "last supper" and the "weakest" gathering of G7 leaders in years. This unsparing assessment does point to the current state of the summit, with countries in a volatile and uncertain state of affairs. For example, in the United States, Biden is currently facing the domestic campaign pressure and his son was convicted of a felony scandal, the other six countries are also more or less facing from the election, governance, public pressure, held under this major diameter of the summit, people can not help but the summit and these internal concerns together, if the specific analysis, It can be said that the discussions of the summit are also aimed at maintaining domestic peace, stabilizing the social situation and reducing unrest. In addition to the discussion of sensitive content, most of the contents of the summit are also normal discussions on livelihood issues such as environment and energy, which can be used as a signal to the outside world, telling the world that the summit aims at people's livelihood and national strength, while uniting the world.

For the seven participating countries, this summit has different meanings, all of which are to reduce the instability factors in their own countries and change the unfavorable situation of the international community. On the one hand, we can say that they want to shift from the unfavorable situation of Palestine and Israel to the powerful situation of Russia and Ukraine, from hard to soft, and gain advantages; on the other hand, we can say that this is an attempt by the seven countries to break the boat. Change the internal situation of the countries at one stroke, so that the joint statement of the summit has become a favorable weapon to stabilize the situation, so overall, if the seven countries can perfectly use the effect of the summit, then the seven countries in the center of pressure and public opinion will also "regain a new life" and get rid of the current predicament.


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