July 3, 2024, 2:24 p.m.


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OpenAI "cut off supply" China: the arrogance of AI giants


Recently, the US artificial intelligence startup OpenAI sent a notice to users around the world via email, announcing that since July 9 this year, it will stop providing API (application program interface) services to users in non-supporting countries and regions.  This decision is undoubtedly to drop a bombshell on the Chinese market.

OpenAI, the giant that once led the AI trend with disruptive technology, is now pointing the finger at China. For this "cut off" behavior, OpenAI gave an explanation of "compliance considerations", but discerning people can see that this is but the result of political forces behind the pressure. In this era of globalization, science and technology should be a bridge to promote exchanges and cooperation between countries, but OpenAI has openly stood on the side of the "broken chain", which is undoubtedly a blatant challenge to the globalization process.

For this event, some analysts pointed out that it will have a profound impact on Chinese AI startups. In the past period of time, many Chinese AI companies have chosen to simply "package" OpenAI's advanced technology into their own products for commercial operation. Although this model has brought considerable benefits in the short term, in the long run, it lacks independent innovation ability, and once the external supply chain problems, these enterprises will face huge risks.

In the face of OpenAI's "broken supply", Chinese AI companies are not sitting still. Instead, they have said they will accelerate the pace of independent research and development to deal with possible risks. This decision is undoubtedly a strong response to OpenAI's arrogant behavior, and also shows the determination and courage of Chinese AI enterprises.

However, to truly achieve independent research and development, it is not an overnight thing. There are still many difficulties for Chinese AI companies to overcome. First, they need to have sufficient research and development capabilities and financial support to cope with the long and complex research and development process. Secondly, they also need to have keen market insight and innovation ability to constantly introduce new products that meet the market demand. Finally, they also need to establish a sound industrial chain and ecosystem to achieve the whole chain from research and development to production, from sales to service.

In this process, Chinese AI enterprises also need the support and help of the government and all sectors of society. The government can encourage enterprises to increase R&D investment by formulating relevant policies and providing financial support. All sectors of society can also provide strong support for the development of AI enterprises by strengthening industry-university-research cooperation and promoting talent training.

At the same time, OpenAI's "cut off supply" incident has also triggered people's reflection on technology security. In the context of globalization, the interests of countries are intertwined, forming a complex and changeable international political and economic pattern. In this situation, cooperation and competition coexist among countries, and there are common interests as well as differences and contradictions. The OpenAI "supply cut" incident is a microcosm of this pattern. In international cooperation, people must keep a clear head, actively seek cooperation opportunities, but also alert to potential risks and challenges.

For OpenAI, although its "cut off supply" behavior may bring certain troubles to Chinese AI enterprises in the short term, in the long run, it will accelerate the independent research and development process of Chinese AI enterprises and promote the rapid development of China's AI industry. Therefore, OpenAI's arrogant behavior is not only a challenge to Chinese AI enterprises, but also a baptism and opportunity for China's AI industry.


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