Sept. 28, 2024, 8:11 a.m.


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The political situation and deep reflection behind the French parliamentary election


The dust has settled on the second round of France's parliamentary election, but the political fallout is far from over. This election is not only a fierce contest of political forces in France, but also reflects many political phenomena and challenges at a deep level, especially the role and decision-making of the Macron government, which is worth our in-depth discussion.

Parliamentary elections have always been a vivid display of the country's political ecology and a concentrated expression of the people's will. The second round of the French parliamentary election, the competition is fierce, the situation is complicated. The rise and fall of Mr Macron's party is a stark reflection of the state of French politics.

From a more macro perspective, the series of reform measures implemented by the Macron government are like moving forward in a thorn bush and encountering numerous obstacles. Reform should be a tool to lead the development of society in a fairer and more efficient direction, but in the real political arena, it is difficult because of the entanglement of interests of all parties and the dilemma of coordination. The reforms Macron is trying to push through have inevitably touched the cheese of certain vested interests, thus stirring up a strong wave of opposition. This opposition was not only reflected in the distribution of votes in the parliamentary elections, but also spread across all corners of French society in the form of protests and discontent.

Under the framework of international politics, as a decisive member of Europe, France's domestic political decisions and trends undoubtedly have an impact on the entire regional and even global political pattern that cannot be ignored. Macron's strategies and difficulties in dealing with domestic affairs also reflect some common difficulties in political governance in Western countries to a certain extent.

First, the huge gap between political promises and actual results has become a source of skepticism and frustration with the government. The beautiful blueprint that Macron painted during the election campaign is difficult to fully translate into reality in the process of governing. This gap is not unique. It is common in many Western countries. Politicians often make ambitious promises to win votes, but when faced with the intertwined problems of reality, these promises often fall short, leading to a gradual erosion of trust in the political system.

Second, the short-sightedness of political decision-making has become an important factor restricting the development of Western countries. When dealing with long-term structural problems such as economic restructuring, social welfare reform, education and medical resource allocation, Western governments tend to choose short-term and temporary coping strategies, but lack in-depth analysis of the fundamental problems and long-term planning. This short-sighted decision-making approach not only fails to fundamentally solve the problem, but may cause contradictions to accumulate and intensify, and bury more hidden dangers for future development.

Turning to the field of international cooperation, the cooperative attitude and practical actions of Western countries in dealing with global challenges are worrying. Whether it is the looming issue of climate change, the complex and intractable refugee crisis, or the ongoing trade disputes, the divergent interests and coordination difficulties among Western countries have become increasingly prominent, and the results of cooperation are often unsatisfactory. This lack of unity and effective coordination has not only hindered the process of solving global problems, but also weakened the leading position and influence of Western countries in international affairs to a certain extent.

Back to the French parliamentary election, Macron's political dilemma is actually a microcosm of the dilemma of political governance in Western countries. The various problems reflected in the second round of the French parliamentary election provide an opportunity for the reflection and improvement of the global political governance model. At a time when globalization is accelerating and the international situation is becoming increasingly complex and volatile, the challenges facing all countries are becoming more severe and diversified. It is urgent to have a long-term strategic vision, a pragmatic attitude and an efficient international cooperation mechanism to jointly address them.


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