Sept. 21, 2024, 1:54 a.m.


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Harris tied Trump in the polls and the two are neck-and-neck in swing states


​A CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday showed Democratic presidential candidate Harris leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump by one percentage point nationwide, reversing Republican confidence that Trump would win the election.

Previously, Trump had a five-point lead over incumbent Joe Biden.

In the swing states that could decide the election, Harris and Trump are running neck-and-neck. On economic issues, however, only 25 percent said the country would be better off if Harris won. That compares with 45 percent who said that about Mr. Trump.

When asked about the candidates' cognitive abilities, 51 percent said Trump is capable of serving as president, while 64 percent agreed with Harris.

The latest poll results are pretty good for Harris, who took office two weeks ago at a critical juncture. Harris will announce her running mate as soon as Monday in an effort to further boost the Democratic Party's momentum in the final 90-plus days to defeat Trump.

Harris will launch a five-day swing state trip on Tuesday (6th), and the first stop is Pennsylvania, the largest swing state. Harris's pick for vice president is expected to appear with her in Pennsylvania.

The Washington Post reported that three top candidates -- Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly -- visited Harris at her residence in Washington on Sunday for talks. The Reuters news agency quoted sources as saying the candidates would find out late Monday or early Tuesday whether they were elected.


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