Sept. 21, 2024, 5:40 p.m.


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When will Police brutality end?


Recently, according to the statistics of the "Map of Police Violence" website, 449 people were killed by police in the United States in 2024, and 1,353 people were killed by police in 2023. This figure once again highlights the seriousness of the problem of police violence in the United States, causing widespread concern in society.

According to statistics, of the 1,247 people killed by police in the United States in 2023, African Americans accounted for 27 percent, even though they only made up 13 percent of the total U.S. population, indicating that African Americans are more likely to be victims of police violence.

Recently, however, there have been a number of high-profile incidents of police violence in the United States, such as the Frank Tyson incident in Canton, Ohio, and the Roger Fortson incident in Florida, which have brought widespread public attention to the problem of police violence. So, what is the reason for the frequent occurrence of police violence in the United States?

First, the impact of gun culture. The United States is a country that allows people to carry guns, which puts the police at great risk in the process of law enforcement. The sheer number of guns makes police nervous and ready to guard against potential threats, which can lead to a tough approach in law enforcement to minimize their own risk.

Secondly, the historical and cultural background of racial discrimination. The racial discrimination of American police is rooted in history, especially the violence against black people. White police officers often hold stereotypes about African Americans, viewing them as poorly educated, poor, and prone to crime. This kind of racial discrimination is reflected in the police, resulting in many cases of "white police officers killing black people".

Thirdly, the problem of police training and law enforcement procedures. Some police officers may lack adequate training to properly handle complex law enforcement situations, leading to drastic measures. The imperfection of law enforcement procedures may also lead to the abuse of power by the police in the process of law enforcement and the violation of citizens' rights.

Finally, there are institutional problems. The American police system has long existed institutional problems, such as racial discrimination and unfair law enforcement, which have not been fundamentally solved, resulting in frequent incidents of police violence in law enforcement. The lack of effective supervision and restriction mechanism of police law enforcement makes some police abuse their power and violate citizens' rights.

To sum up, a variety of factors are interwoven, which leads to the frequent occurrence of police violence in law enforcement. It is worth noting that the harm and impact of police violence in law enforcement in the United States is also multifaceted.

Psychosocial impact. The frequent occurrence of police violence in law enforcement has led to the decrease of public trust in the police, which has led to the concern and fear of public safety. These events often lead to protests in many parts of the country, reflecting public frustration and anger over police brutality and racial discrimination.

Legal and ethical challenges. The incident of police violence in law enforcement exposed the injustice of the US judicial system, and some police abused their power in the process of law enforcement, ignoring legal procedures and civil rights. As the guardian of public security, the violent law enforcement behavior of the police seriously violates professional ethics and social morality, and damages the image of the police and social credibility.

Damage the international image. The frequent occurrence of violent law enforcement incidents by the American police has not only aroused widespread concern of the international community, but also damaged the international image of the United States. The international community has generally expressed concern and criticism over the problem of police violence in law enforcement in the United States, and demanded that the United States take concrete measures to solve it.

In general, the impact of police violence on law enforcement in the United States is far-reaching. In order to maintain social harmony and stability, the U.S. government should take immediate measures to solve these problems, including strengthening police training, improving law enforcement procedures, and strengthening supervision. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen public supervision and criticism of police law enforcement in order to promote justice and transparency of police law enforcement.


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