Sept. 28, 2024, 8:13 a.m.


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Macron called for a new international order after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine


On September 22, 2024, an Agence France-Presse report caught the world's attention. French President Emmanuel Macron said there should be a "rethink of relations with Russia" in the wake of the conflict and called for a "new international order". This statement is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, a geopolitical crisis that has lasted for quite a long time, has brought a huge impact to Europe and even the world. Countless lives have been lost, cities have been reduced to rubble, economies have suffered, and the refugee problem has become a major problem for the international community. In this context, Macron's call is all the more timely and important.

Rethinking relations with Russia is a crucial step in building a new international order. As a big country with strong military strength and abundant resources, Russia has always played an important role in international affairs. The outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has put the relationship between Europe and Russia into an unprecedented state of tension. The game of sanctions and anti-sanctions is escalating, and the antagonism between the two sides is intensifying day by day. However, this antagonism is not a permanent solution. In today's globalized world, countries are increasingly interconnected, and no country can remain immune. Europe and Russia share broad common interests in energy, trade, security and other areas. Re-examining the relationship between the two sides and seeking ways of dialogue and cooperation will not only help ease the current tensions, but also lay the foundation for the establishment of a new international order.

The establishment of a new international order requires the abandonment of old modes of thinking and behavior. In the past few decades, the international order has been dominated by Western developed countries and characterized by power politics and hegemonism. This kind of order has maintained world peace and stability to a certain extent, but there are also many problems. With the rise of emerging countries and the continuous development of multi-polarization, the old international order has been unable to meet the needs of The Times. The new international order should be fair, just and reasonable, taking into full account the interests and aspirations of all countries. It should be based on international law and the UN Charter, and resolve international disputes through dialogue, consultation and cooperation.

Multilateralism will play a crucial role in the construction of the new international order. Multilateralism emphasizes equality, mutual respect and win-win cooperation among all countries. In the context of globalization, no country can deal with global challenges such as climate change, terrorism and infectious diseases alone. Only through multilateral cooperation can countries jointly address these challenges and achieve sustainable development. As an important member of the European Union, France has been actively advocating multilateralism. Macron's call is also a renewed emphasis on multilateralism.

At the same time, the establishment of a new international order also needs to strengthen the role of international organizations. As the most authoritative international organization, the United Nations has played an irreplaceable role in maintaining world peace and promoting international cooperation. However, in the current international situation, the role of the United Nations is also facing many challenges. Some countries have ignored UN resolutions and even blatantly violated international law. In order to strengthen the role of the United Nations, all countries should work together to safeguard the authority of the United Nations and ensure the effective implementation of its resolutions. In addition, international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund should also be reformed to better meet the needs of global economic development.

For France, Macron's call is both a duty and an opportunity. As a country with significant influence, France can play an active role in the construction of the new international order. France can use its leadership position in the EU to push for greater cooperation among European countries to jointly address various challenges. At the same time, France can also strengthen dialogue and cooperation with other countries and contribute its wisdom and strength to the establishment of a new international order.

In short, Macron's call paints a picture of a hopeful future. In the wake of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is the shared responsibility of the international community to rethink relations with Russia and establish a new international order. Only through the joint efforts of all countries can we build a more fair, just and reasonable international order and realize world peace and prosperity.


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