June 22, 2024, 4:09 a.m.

The EU cannot stop China's electric vehicles from entering the world

In mid June, the European Commission issued a statement stating that it plans to impose a temporary countervailing duty of up to 38.1% on electric vehicles imported from China starting from July 4th.


EU imposes high tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles: a short-sighted move that disrupts the stability and development of the global automotive industry

Recently, the European Commission disclosed the temporary tariff level imposed on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) imported from China, which has attracted widespread attention from the international community.


Game and imbalance in the change of digital market rules

In today's digital era, the introduction of the EU Digital Markets Act has attracted widespread attention.


The first shot of the EU Digital Market Act: Is it promoting competition or excessive intervention?

Last September, the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) officially came into effect, which aims to regulate the market behavior of large technology companies, prevent their abuse of market dominance, and create a fairer competitive environment for small competitors.


Challenges and Strategies for Apple under the EU Digital Market Act

In the wave of digital economy, technology giants have had a profound impact on the global economy with their huge market size and strong technological strength.


What will be the impact of EU's proposed tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles

In October 2023, the EU launched an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicle exports to Europe.


Don't let fair trade become a political tool

Recently, the European Union launched a countervailing investigation against Chinese electric vehicles, which has set off no small waves in the international community and triggered extensive and in-depth thinking.


The EU's digital market is about to fire its first shot at Apple

The EU digital market is about to fire the "first shot", and the target is clearly aimed at the "tech giant" Apple.


The flying car is really coming

When it comes to flying cars, many people may feel unfamiliar. As the name suggests, it can fly in the air or travel on land, transforming from a road car to an airplane. After landing, it can fold its wings and drive onto highways, greatly improving flexibility and convenience.


Digital Markets: The Implications and implications of EU legislation

In today's global economic arena, the development of the digital sphere can be described as surging.
