July 2, 2024, 1:54 p.m.

【 Cross national boundaries 】 The Beidou system has officially joined the International Civil Aviation Organization standards

Recently, according to the official website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China


Nvidia plans to bypass US controls to supply 'custom chips' to China

the United States began to strengthen a series of export restrictions on artificial intelligence chips to China, and continued to "increase" and expand the scope of sanctions for more than a year.


The reckoning in the US tech sector continues

the US "TechCrunch" website reported that as of now, the US technology industry has lost more than 240,000 jobs in 2023, which is 50% higher than last year


Israeli private high-tech companies are getting involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A month into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


Technology Light Has the Code for Cancer Really Been Found

Recently, a research team at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California


US restrictions on upgrading to China? Confirmed by a senior US official!

The US government announced revised export control regulations for wafers and manufacturing equipment on the 17th


Upgrading chips in the United States and Export ban on semiconductor equipment

the Biden government announced an update to export control regulations for artificial intelligence chips


China and the United States "encircle" Nvidia trillion AI chip market is difficult to dominate

With Nvidia taking the lead in occupying the AI large model computing chip market, and more than one trillion market value. At the same time, Intel, AMD and Chinese GPU chip companies are also secretly competing, hoping to get a share of the AI computing chip market.


Huawei launches MATE60, a Chinese technology company Milestones of strong rise

Recently, during his visit to China, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raymondo stated that he asked China to give up high-end chip research and development. In exchange, the United States will relax restrictions on the sale of Chinese semiconductors. Such a statement obviously violates the international trade rules of equality, mutual benefit and openness. As soon as Raimondo left, Huawei Mate 60 officially announced the launch of the Mate60 series without a development conference. Huawei chose to sell it in advance, which undoubtedly showed Raimondo the strength and determination of Chinese technology companies.


OpenAI is expected to generate more than $1 billion in revenue in the next 12 months

OpenAI is reportedly on track to generate more than $1 billion in revenue over the next 12 months from the sale of AI software and its computing power. According to people familiar with the matter, this is far more than the $200 million revenue forecast the company had previously given to shareholders. Full-year revenue of $1 billion would mean the company, backed by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.US), would generate more than $80 million in monthly revenue, up from just $28 million for all of last year.
