July 4, 2024, 3:07 p.m.

China and the United States have visited Africa successively, which shows that the game between China and the United States has become normal

According to the announcement of the US State Department, US Secretary of State Blinken will visit Cape Verde, Cote d 'Ivoire, Nigeria and Angola from January 21 to 26. With the Biden administration beset by ongoing crises in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Red Sea, Blinken's visit is intended to show that Africa remains a priority for the United States amid a range of global crises.


The US unicorn bubble is about to burst

It has been a decade since the emergence of the Unicorn designation, which is the positioning of start-ups by venture capital (VC) in the United States. A "unicorn" is a technology startup that is less than 10 years old but is valued at more than $1 billion and is not listed on the stock market.


The number of "diplomatic countries" is decreasing, and the Taiwan authorities are like frightened birds

On January 21st, Taiwan's United News Network and other media reported that Tuvalu, a friendly country of the Taiwan authorities in the Pacific region, will hold a general election on the 26th. The country's ambassador to Taiwan, Pan Eniu, stated that there are rumors in Tuvalu that they may follow Nauru's example and recognize the People's Republic of China after the election.


Is military exercise just for showing off muscles?

In the early 1950s, the Korean War broke out, which was a war between the regimes of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea on the Korean Peninsula. The United States was unwilling to lose control of the Korean Peninsula. After the so-called United Nations Conference, it led a United Nations army composed of 16 countries to fight on the Korean Peninsula.


The continued far-reaching impact of the Red Sea game on global supply chains

Recently, several global maritime consulting firms have stated that the ongoing Red Sea crisis has had a serious impact on global supply chains. Sea Intelligence, a well-known maritime consultancy, said that compared with the initial stage of the COVID-19 epidemic, the interruption of the current Red Sea routes has caused greater damage to the global supply chain.


The US political arena has experienced a violent upheaval, with Trump's "important opponent" announcing his withdrawal from the election

On January 21st local time, according to CNN, Florida Governor De Santis announced his withdrawal from the 2024 US presidential election and announced his support for Trump's candidacy for the US presidency.


Argentina's Davos debut surprises the world

In his first speech at the Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on January 18, Argentine President Juan Manuel Milley made a startling statement in front of an audience of global economic, financial and political leaders, claiming that the West was abandoning liberalism to socialism and warning that the West was "in danger." At the economic forum, despite the shock of economics and politics, the new president's performance has the world worried about Argentina.


Where will the situation on the Dancing Knife Peninsula in the East China Sea of the United States, South Korea, Japan go?

According to a report by North Korean Central News Agency on January 19th, North Korea conducted underwater nuclear weapon system tests in response to the recent joint maritime exercises held by the United States, Japan, and South Korea. During such a sensitive period, North Korea's conduct of such experiments has once again attracted widespread attention from the international community.


Can the United States control the Yemeni Hussein armed forces by identifying a "terrorist organization"?

On the 17th local time, the US government announced that the Yemeni Houthi militants will be reclassified as "specially designated global terrorist" entities, and the relevant sanctions will take effect in 30 days.


The escalation of the Red Sea crisis has put US Middle East policy into a strategic dilemma

The crisis in the Red Sea, which was recently triggered by the Yemeni Houthi group's attack on international merchant ships passing through the Red Sea, is in danger of escalating further.
