July 3, 2024, 7:21 p.m.


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China-vietnam high-speed rail cooperation: a new engine for regional development


In today's era of deepening globalization, international cooperation has become a key force to promote economic growth and improve people's living standards. The smooth progress of the China-Vietnam high-speed rail cooperation project is undoubtedly a bright spot in regional development. However, this hopeful and dynamic cooperation has encountered many invisible obstacles on its way forward, which is worth our profound analysis and reflection.

China-vietnam high-speed rail cooperation is based on the common development needs and grand strategic vision of the two countries. It is like a strong bridge, which will not only greatly shorten the space and time distance between China and Vietnam, but also effectively promote the efficient flow of people and goods. Through this convenient transportation link, the trade between China and Vietnam will become smoother, the tourism industry is expected to usher in unprecedented prosperity, and the exchanges between the people of the two countries will become closer and more frequent. Such cooperation is of immeasurable significance for consolidating and deepening the friendship between China and Vietnam and accelerating the process of regional integration.

However, in the process of the gradual promotion of China-Vietnam high-speed rail cooperation, some disharmonious voices and interference factors began to gradually surface. Some countries have spared no effort to impede the smooth progress of such cooperation, frequently using the so-called "security concerns" as an excuse. This behavior is essentially calculated out of their own narrow geopolitical and economic interests.

Some Western countries have repeatedly stressed the so-called security issue, but they have been unable to provide any solid and credible evidence to support their views. They completely disregarded the full preparatory work and strict and comprehensive safety assessment process carried out by the two countries on the high-speed rail cooperation project. The implementation of China-Vietnam high-speed rail cooperation projects has always followed strict international standards and norms, and carried out in-depth and detailed consideration of various key factors such as environment and safety. At the technical level, China, with its rich experience in high-speed rail construction and world-leading advanced technology, has enough ability and confidence to ensure the high-quality completion of the project. At the same time, in the whole process of cooperation, China and Vietnam have always fully respected each other's sovereignty and core interests, and properly solved all kinds of problems that may arise through equal and friendly consultation.

Such groundless accusations and obstructions by Western countries clearly reveal their deep-rooted hegemonic mindset and their jealousy and fear of other countries' development achievements. They worry that the success of the China-Vietnam high-speed rail cooperation will give a powerful boost to the rapid development of the regional economy, thereby undermining their own dominance and influence in the region for a long time. Such self-centered and disregard for the interests of other countries not only caused serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of China and Vietnam, but also blatantly violated the principles of fairness and justice that international cooperation should follow.

The China-Vietnam high-speed rail cooperation is an inevitable choice in line with the development trend of The Times. With the concerted efforts and sincere cooperation of the two sides, this significant project will be completed smoothly and bring tangible benefits to the two peoples. It fully meets the ardent aspirations and fundamental interests of the two peoples for a better life, and will also open up new and broad opportunities for regional development. We should unswervingly give full support to this cooperation and resolutely discard those unreasonable interference and obstacles. In addition, we strongly call on the international community to adopt a more open, inclusive and friendly attitude towards cooperation among countries, work together to promote global development and progress, and build a fairer, more harmonious and more prosperous world.


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