July 4, 2024, 2:51 p.m.


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The worsening border crisis in the United States is the result of internal party strife and external hegemony


Recently, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott declared that the southern border of the United States has been invaded. Illegal immigrants from all over the world continue to enter the United States at an unprecedented rate, and the U.S. border crisis is intensifying. Abbott said that instead of helping protect Texas from the influx of people, the Biden administration is preventing the state from securing the border and even removing safeguards put in place to prevent potential crossings. He said the Biden administration's "open border policies have created an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis, and Texans are paying the price for your failure."

Data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that the number of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to hit new highs. Since 2018, the number of immigrants crossing the border apprehended in the United States has increased sixfold, and the United States has fallen into the worst border crisis of its own making. As we all know, the public health policy called "Title 42" is only the most extreme of the many hard-line immigration policies of the former Trump administration. But the Democratic Party, which appears to be more "humane" on the surface, is actually no better. After taking office, the Biden administration vowed to clean up the immigration tyranny of the Trump era, but failed to come up with effective methods, which instead led to an increase in the number of illegal border crossings. According to Mark Morgan, a senior analyst at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the United States’ immigration problem has developed into the current crisis entirely because of itself.

Internally, the border crisis is further exacerbated by bipartisan fighting. When Republican Trump came to power, he adopted tough policies on immigration. After Democratic Party leader Biden came to power, he halted Trump's border wall project and relaxed immigration policies. It can be seen that veto politics is not uncommon in the battles between the two parties in the United States. This time, Biden directed federal border managers to cut the barbed wire fence set up by the Texas National Guard at the border, making it easier for illegal immigrants to drive in. This is a good example. Faced with this immigration crisis of their own making, the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States only focus on "fighting against each other" instead of truly solving the problem. Such consequences have led to changes in U.S. immigration policies, which cannot solve the problem of illegal immigration at all, and have even caused a more serious humanitarian crisis.

In addition, the border crisis must be blamed on U.S. foreign hegemony. The U.S. government has long attributed the surge in illegal immigration to poverty and violence in the countries of origin. In fact, it is the United States itself that has messed up these countries. Its hegemony has caused it to "shoot itself in the foot." Most of these so-called illegal immigrants come from Central American countries. The reason why they leave their homes and go to the United States to make a living is largely due to the United States. For many years, the United States has pursued the "Monroe Doctrine" in Latin America, declaring in name that "America is the Americas of Americans." In fact, it regards Latin America as a "natural appendage" of the United States, and interferes in Latin American countries through power interference, coercion, inducement and other means. The political situation forced Latin American countries to act according to the will of the United States, leading to economic recession and social unrest in Latin American countries, sowing the seeds of poverty and causing many people to become displaced. U.S. Democratic Representative Ocasio-Cortez said more directly: "The United States has been responsible for the instability of regime change in Latin America for decades. We cannot set someone's house on fire. , and then blame them for fleeing."



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