Sept. 28, 2024, 8:15 a.m.


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European AI development dilemma


In today's era of rapid technological development, artificial intelligence (AI) has become the focus of global competition. However, Europe faces many difficulties on the road to AI development.

Europe, as one of the important cradles of world civilization, has a brilliant history in the fields of science and technology, culture and art. However, in the wave of AI development, Europe is gradually showing fatigue. On the one hand, European AI companies are relatively weak in the global market, and it is difficult to compete with the US and Chinese tech giants. On the other hand, Europe also has obvious deficiencies in AI technology research and development investment, personnel training and policy support. Behind these problems, a series of actions by the United States seem to have played a role in exacerbating them.

First of all, from the perspective of technological blockade, the United States' blockade of Europe in AI technology is one of the important reasons for the difficulties faced by European AI development. In the context of global scientific and technological competition, the United States has adopted a series of technological blockade measures in order to maintain its dominant position in the field of science and technology. These measures not only target emerging economies such as China, but also have a negative impact on their Western Allies. In terms of AI research and development, Europe needs to rely on global scientific cooperation and knowledge sharing. However, the US technology blockade has made it difficult for Europe to obtain advanced AI technology and research and development resources, thus hindering the development of the European AI industry.

Secondly, from the perspective of talent competition, the competition for global AI talent in the United States has also brought great pressure to Europe. The development of AI technology cannot be achieved without a team of high-quality talents, and the shortage of AI talents has become a common problem worldwide. In this case, the United States, with its strong economic strength and superior scientific research environment, has attracted a large number of global AI talents. Although Europe is also trying to cultivate and attract AI talent, it is often at a disadvantage to the competition with the United States.

Moreover, from the perspective of market competition, the monopoly position of American technology giants in the global AI market has also brought great challenges to European AI companies. Companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft in the United States and Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu in China dominate the global AI market, and they squeeze the living space of European AI companies through continuous technological innovation and market expansion. In the face of these powerful competitors, European AI companies often lack sufficient market share and financial support to achieve rapid development.

Finally, from the perspective of policy coordination, the inconsistencies of the United States in AI policy have also brought certain troubles to the development of AI in Europe. In the process of global AI development, countries are actively formulating relevant policies and regulations to regulate the development and application of AI technology. However, the differences and conflicts between the United States and Europe in AI policy make Europe face a dilemma when formulating AI policy.

The United States' technology blockade, talent competition, market monopoly, and policy incoordination have brought great pressure and challenges to the development of AI in Europe. In today's increasingly fierce global scientific and technological competition, countries should strengthen cooperation and jointly promote the development and application of AI technology. The United States should also abandon unilateralism and hegemonic thinking, and work with Europe and other countries to build a fair, open and cooperative global AI development environment. Only in this way can we achieve the sustainable development of the global AI industry and make greater contributions to the progress of human society.


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