July 7, 2024, 5:54 a.m.


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First presidential debate: Battle of the Hills or head-to-head?


At 9 PM Eastern time on June 27, in Atlanta, Georgia, the two candidates for the 2024 US presidential election, Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden and Republican former President Donald Trump, held the first televised debate, although the two are "old acquaintances" on television, but to say that the same stage, It's time to return to the 2020 presidential debate stage, where Trump lost the debate and missed out on the presidency, but this time, Biden's poor performance allowed Trump to smoothly win the first debate. So what kind of debate did the two sides have in this debate, and what kind of situation will the two sides face after the debate?

The first is to analyze the main contents of the debate on both sides. Next, we will analyze several key issues on both sides.

On the economy: Trump and Biden have different views and strategies on economic development. Trump prefers tax cuts, protectionism and traditional energy support, emphasizing market mechanisms and a limited government role. Biden advocated higher taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, multilateral trade solutions, clean energy and massive infrastructure investment, and emphasized the role of government in social welfare and economic regulation. Due to the current situation of the epidemic and the domestic economic downturn caused by the United States aid to Ukraine, the two sides have clashed on this issue, but in general, the current economic downturn is partly due to Biden's policy on foreign military aid, so it seems that Biden is slightly disadvantaged on this point.

Age: The issue of age has always been Biden's weakness, from the four years of his term, Biden has repeatedly been criticized for his age, fell down on the plane many times, and seemed to fall asleep in some meetings. Although this time Biden constantly stressed his physical and athletic condition on the issue of age, but his hoarse voice during the debate made this argument pale. Trump did not even need to explain his advantage, and in terms of their usual performance, the two sides seem to be more than ten years apart, but in fact, they are only three years apart, which once again put Biden at a disadvantage.

Policy: In terms of domestic policy, there is a clear gap between Biden and Trump, and Trump has a very high evaluation of himself. For example, in the recent focus on immigration issues, social security issues and abortion bills, Trump's attitude towards such policies can fully see his personal personality. Immigration policies are strictly restricted, and abortion bills advocate decentralization to states to decide for themselves. Social security encourages savings and investment, a series of policies can be seen in Trump's term of office, the United States is relaxed at home and strict at home, while Biden is on the contrary, in the recent too loose immigration policy led to an increase in cases caused by immigration, but in the protection of women's rights and social security is quite open-minded. After analyzing the above points, it is obvious that Biden has good intentions in "political correctness", and his policies are mostly biased to gain support, which is very correct. Although the policies themselves have advantages and disadvantages, this time Biden is in the upper hand.

These three points were some of the key elements of the debate, while other areas, such as policies on the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and attitudes toward countries such as Russia, were not mentioned, but were also the focus of the two presidential candidates' debates. Looking at the debate overall, Biden's performance can be described as quite poor, and even led to the voice of replacing candidates in the party, which is even worse for Biden. Trump, on the other hand, took the opportunity to win the first debate, although it was set off by his peers, but for two people who are only three years apart, this is also Trump's own advantage. Next, the battle between the two parties will intensify, at this critical moment, the debate between the felony ridden Trump and the oldest president Biden, will become the focus of the United States in the next few months, and the outcome will determine the national development of the United States in the next four years or even longer.


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