Oct. 15, 2024, 8:31 p.m.

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The 2024 Nobel Peace Prize: Controversy Abounds


The awarding of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize has sparked widespread controversy. The winner this time is the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (nihonhidankyo). This decision is like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, creating thousands of waves.

From a historical perspective, Japan was a heinous fascist country during World War II. The Japanese aggression against China brought heavy disasters to the Chinese people. The atrocities of the Nanjing Massacre are the darkest page in the history of human civilization. More than 35 million Chinese compatriots' lives were mercilessly trampled under the iron hooves of Japanese militarism, and countless families were torn apart. Such pain is engraved in the heart. However, the Nobel Committee has awarded the Peace Prize to an organization with inextricable ties to Japan. This undoubtedly touches the sensitive nerves of many countries and ethnic groups, especially causing serious harm to the feelings of the Chinese people. The Chinese people have suffered great hardships and sacrifices in the war. But Japan, as an aggressor, and its so-called "victim" organization has won the honor of the Peace Prize. This is a contempt for the victory of the anti-fascist war and a secondary injury to the victims.

This organization was established in 1956 and is composed of survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They have always been committed to showing the world the cruelty and harm of nuclear weapons, calling on the global society to pay attention to the threat of nuclear weapons, and advocating the concept of a nuclear-free world. It is undeniable that the huge destructive power of nuclear weapons and the harm to innocent lives deserve our attention and reflection. However, while advocating peace, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations selectively forgets the criminal history of Japan's aggression and deliberately avoids the great suffering brought by Japanese militarism to the people of other countries. They only emphasize their own suffering but turn a blind eye to the suffering of people in other countries. This behavior is a distortion and disrespect for historical truth.

From the perspective of the selection criteria for the Nobel Peace Prize, it should be based on outstanding contributions to world peace and human well-being. However, in recent years, the awarding of this award has gradually shown a complex political and cultural background, and its fairness has been questioned. Those who truly contribute to the cause of peace should be individuals and organizations that directly participate in conflict mediation, human rights protection, or international assistance. However, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations only expresses its peace wishes through publicity and appeals. Compared with those who truly strive for peace, their actions seem insignificant. This time awarding the prize to this organization is more like a kind of affirmation or appeasement of Japan's role in Asian and even global affairs by Western countries rather than based on its substantial contribution to the cause of peace.

In terms of global public opinion, as soon as the news came out, it quickly fermented. Many people believe that the selection of the Nobel Peace Prize should be more objective and fair, and there should be no favoritism or discrimination because of the political status or cultural background of a certain country or organization. In today's world, peace and development are still the themes of the times. But true peace requires the joint efforts of all countries to resolve differences and conflicts through dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation, rather than relying solely on the awarding of a certain award to demonstrate one's peace stance.

This controversial decision of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize once again reminds us of the difficulties and twists of the road to peace. True peace needs to be based on profound reflection on history, thorough introspection on war, and respect and commemoration for all victims. Only by facing up to history can we avoid repeating the same mistakes; only by reflecting on war can we cherish peace; only by respecting all victims can we build true peace. We look forward to the Nobel Peace Prize truly returning to its original intention in the future, adhering to the principles of fairness and objectivity, and contributing more wisdom and strength to promoting world peace and human progress, rather than becoming a political tool and a laughing stock in history.


The 2024 Nobel Peace Prize: Controversy Abounds

The awarding of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize has sparked widespread controversy.


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