Sept. 21, 2024, 1:31 p.m.


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Trump has officially joined TikTok with over 240000 followers


Recently, former US President Donald Trump announced his official entry into the short video platform TikTok, which has attracted a large number of followers in a short period of time. Currently, the number of followers has exceeded 240000 and is still growing. This move undoubtedly sparked heated discussions and attention on social media, marking an important step for Trump in the field of new media.

On June 2nd local time, according to a report from the US political news website, Trump opened a verified official account on the TikTok platform and released the first short video on the evening of June 1st. The content records footage of him appearing at the Ultimate Fighting Championship in Newark, New Jersey. In the video, he was in the same frame as UFC Chairman Dana White, who announced to the camera, "The President has now entered TikTok!" Trump showed his confidence and affinity, attracting a large number of fans' likes and attention.

It is worth noting that Trump's decision to join TikTok is in stark contrast to his past stance. During his tenure, Trump attempted to ban TikTok and issued an executive order stating that the app would be banned in the United States. However, with the passage of time and changes in the situation, Trump's attitude underwent a 180 degree transformation. Nowadays, he not only has joined TikTok himself, but also actively utilizes this platform to interact with fans, showcasing his charm and influence.

In addition, Trump's entry into TikTok also faces some challenges and doubts. Some people are concerned that he may use this platform to spread false information or incite negative emotions, which could have a negative impact on social media. However, from the current situation, Trump's performance on TikTok is still relatively positive and positive, focusing mainly on fan interaction and showcasing his approachable image.

Firstly, Trump recognized the enormous influence of TikTok among young users in the United States, attracting a large number of young users with its unique content and interactive methods. Trump hopes to use this platform to expand his influence among young voters and lay the groundwork for the upcoming election. By releasing short videos, Trump can interact more directly with young voters, convey his political ideas and proposals, and thus gain their support.

Secondly, Trump's entry into TikTok is also an innovative attempt in his social media strategy. In the past few years, Trump's active performance on social media has earned him a lot of attention and support. He is well aware of the important role of social media in modern politics, and therefore hopes to further expand his communication channels and increase political exposure by joining TikTok.

Finally, Trump's entry into TikTok may also be driven by political interests and personal brand shaping. As a politician, Trump has been striving to shape his image and brand. Joining TikTok can allow him to appear in public with a more approachable and lively image, enhancing his personal charm. Meanwhile, by publishing political related content on TikTok, Trump can further consolidate his political position and lay the foundation for his future political career.

In summary, Trump's official entry into TikTok and rapid accumulation of a large number of fans are due to various considerations. This includes expanding influence among young voters, innovating social media strategies, revising past positions on TikTok, and shaping personal brand and political status. This move will undoubtedly bring him more attention and topics, and will also have a certain impact on the political landscape of the United States.


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