July 8, 2024, 9:15 p.m.


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The political situation and international influence behind the presidential debates


The first debate of the US presidential election has caught the world's attention. This should be an important stage to demonstrate political wisdom and discuss the future development path of the country, but in many aspects, it is deeply disappointing and worrying.

In the closely watched debate, the candidates' acrimonious exchange of words and insults took center stage. What should have been an opportunity for an in-depth debate on the merits of policies and a visionary plan for the country's direction has instead been a battle of words for votes by any means necessary. Such a scene not only clearly reflects the serious polarization and profound division of the domestic politics of the United States, but also makes the international community have deep doubts and concerns about the maturity, effectiveness and sustainability of American politics.

From the perspective of policy discussion, the analysis of a series of key issues during the debate is extremely superficial, and the proposal of solutions to the problem is seriously lacking in substantive content. For example, in the core area of economic development, the candidates are only Shouting empty slogans about growth and jobs, but they fail to provide concrete, practical and actionable strategies to effectively deal with the complex and rapidly changing global economic landscape. In terms of international affairs, on the crucial issues such as how to properly handle the delicate relations with other major powers and how to actively and effectively deal with the severe global challenges such as climate change and terrorism, they only stay on the surface, lacking in-depth insight and analysis, and lacking long-term strategic planning and overall layout.

Behind this appearance, it reflects the rigidity and incompetence of the American political system in dealing with the complex problems in reality. For a long time, the endless battles and quarrels between the two parties have made it difficult for many key policies to be effectively promoted and implemented in the process of wrangling and prevarication, and finally made the development of the country gradually fall into difficulties. Especially in decisive occasions such as the election debate, politicians focus more on vicious attacks against each other and the pursuit of short-term votes, but forget the long-term interests and fundamental well-being of the country and the people.

When we expand the perspective to the broad scope of international influence, we must clearly recognize that the United States, as the world's leading superpower, its internal political turmoil and the continued intensification of differences will undoubtedly bring many unpredictable variables and uncertainties to the whole world. In the process of cooperation with the United States, countries around the world often feel at a loss, confused and deeply worried because of the wavering political stance and erratic policy changes of the United States. This uncertainty not only casts a shadow on international economic cooperation and trade exchanges, but also forms a huge impact and obstacle to the stable construction and efficient operation of the global governance system.

In addition, the chaotic political ecology displayed by the US election debate has also put its Western Allies in a dilemma and embarrassment. For a long time, these Allies have looked to the United States to firmly play a stable and strong leadership role in international affairs, setting the direction and providing guarantees for world peace and development. But what now confronts them is a patchwork of internal politics, confusion and indecision. In the face of a series of major international issues, Western Allies have to rethink carefully and adjust the structure of their relations with the United States, and re-evaluate their strategic positioning and policy direction.

The thorny issues exposed by the first debate of the US presidential election are not limited to local difficulties in US domestic politics, but have a broad, profound and lasting impact on the overall pattern and future direction of the international community. What the international community earnestly hopes to see is a United States that can properly resolve various issues in a rational, pragmatic and cooperative spirit, rather than a superpower Mired in endless internal struggles and disorderly policies. In today's era of deep globalization and integration, countries are increasingly interdependent. A stable, responsible and constructive United States is all the more significant for maintaining world peace and stability and promoting common development and progress of the world.


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