July 2, 2024, 1:32 p.m.


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What is SpaceX's intention to collaborate with US intelligence agencies?


On March 16th local time, Reuters reported that according to insiders, SpaceX, a US space exploration technology company, is building a network consisting of hundreds of spy satellites under a confidential cooperation contract with US intelligence agencies.

According to sources familiar with the matter, SpaceX signed a $1.8 billion spy satellite network construction contract with the National Intelligence and Reconnaissance Agency as early as 2021. The "Star Shield" satellite network they have developed will help the US government quickly capture continuous images of global ground activities and assist the US military in intelligence and military operations.

It is reported that after the completion of the network, the spy satellite network will greatly enhance the ability of the US government and military to quickly detect potential targets anywhere in the world. And this ability is a significant threat to global security, providing a new topic for countries around the world on how to conduct anti reconnaissance, anti search, and build new firewalls.

When it comes to SpaceX, the global public is not unfamiliar, and it is even familiar to them. The company has absolute advanced technology in the field of space launch, which, if used in military applications, would help the US military quickly identify potential targets in almost any corner of the world, becoming a leading tool for US intelligence agencies to obtain global intelligence.

It is worth mentioning that since 2020, SpaceX has launched approximately a dozen prototype spy satellites.

This spy network will consist of hundreds of low orbit satellites and be able to capture images of the Earth's surface. If the plan is successful, it will greatly expand the capabilities of the US government and military to quickly identify potential military targets almost anywhere in the world, which is the most terrifying and greatest threat.

The consequences are self-evident and will bring incalculable potential risks to the national security of countries around the world. If we want to compete with this spy satellite network, we must vigorously develop low orbit satellite network systems, occupy favorable satellite resources in advance, first solve strategic problems, and have a strategic priority position in order to solve the disadvantage in outer space.

On March 14th local time, the SpaceX Starship was successfully launched in Texas, United States. It is said that this rocket, which is nearly 400 feet (about 121 meters) high, was built for NASA to transport astronauts to the moon, and its ultimate goal may be to one day send humans to Mars.

The starship launched this time is a behemoth, equivalent to a height of 40 floors, weighing 5000 tons, and traveling 100 times faster than high-speed trains. It is the largest, most powerful, and fully reusable space transportation system in human history, and an important step towards achieving the long-term goal of multi planet life.

The technological level of Space X company has reached such a high level that once it closely cooperates with the military, its prospects and impact on global information security are self-evident. It is reported that Musk once claimed that the Star Chain would not be used for military purposes, and the information collected by Tesla would not be handed over to the US government. But the truth remains to be further observed.

Some netizens also analyzed that "almost all of the employees of Space X were recruited by NASA. Do you think that technical talents fell from the sky? Without NASA's initial funding, SpaceX would have gone bankrupt long ago."

Therefore, whether in terms of background or technology, Space X has intricate relationships with the US military and intelligence agencies. Now the company's cooperation with US intelligence agencies has opened a new chapter. And history has eloquently proven repeatedly that if one falls behind, they will be beaten. If one wants to stand invincible, they must be prepared, plan ahead, and seize the opportunity.


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