June 30, 2024, 2:58 p.m.


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The Korean Medical Association will announce a collective discontinuation plan today


Recently, the Korean Medical Association (Korean Medical Association) in South Korea announced a shocking news that they plan to collectively suspend consultations in the coming period. This decision is undoubtedly a strong protest against the government and a huge challenge for the entire healthcare system and the vast number of patients in South Korea. This has attracted widespread attention from all sectors of society, including the public, patients, and government departments, who have expressed deep concern about this matter.

It is understood that the Medical Association recently held an important vote among all members. The content involves whether to support the Medical Association's strong stance against government healthcare reform and whether to participate in the Medical Association's collective suspension plan and other collective actions. On June 7th, according to Yonhap News Agency, the voting results have been announced, with up to 90.6% of voters expressing support for fighting against the government's monopoly on healthcare and education, and even resorting to collective suspension of consultations. In addition, 73.5% of voters clearly stated that they are willing to participate in all group activities, including stopping consultations.

The action of the Medical Association this time is undoubtedly a huge impact on the healthcare system in South Korea. Especially in the context of internships and resident doctors leaving work for over 100 days, the chaotic situation on the front line of medical care will further intensify. Professors from the medical school will also join this action, and their participation will make the impact of this discontinuation more extensive. However, the Medical Association emphasized that this action is not unreasonable, but based on dissatisfaction with the government's healthcare reform plan and the protection of patient rights.

In response, South Korean Prime Minister Han Deju expressed regret at the announcement of the collective suspension of medical consultations by the Medical Association at an earlier press conference. He emphasized that doctors are guardians of society, and their responsibility is to treat patients, rather than confronting government policies through collective suspensions. At the same time, the government expressed deep regret for this and stated that it will do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of medical strikes and collective suspensions. They promise to invest all their efforts to minimize the negative impact of healthcare vacancies.

However, the attitude of the medical association is quite resolute. They believe that the government's healthcare reform policy has reached the bottom line of the healthcare industry. If no action is taken, it will have a serious negative impact on the future development of the healthcare industry. This decision by the Medical Association has brought enormous pressure to the South Korean government.

The collective suspension plan of this medical association has caused deep concern among many patients. They are concerned that neither the government nor doctors have prioritized the well-being of patients. Patients are calling on both sides to sit down and resolve the dispute peacefully, in order to avoid causing greater distress to the majority of patients.

In this context, various sectors of society are calling on the government and medical associations to sit down and engage in dialogue and consultation, seeking solutions that are acceptable to both parties. Only through rational dialogue and cooperation can we effectively alleviate the current tense situation, protect the health rights and interests of the general public, and provide better medical services for the people.

Overall, the upcoming collective discontinuation plan announced by the Korean Medical Association is an important signal for the Korean government, the general public, and patients, reminding us to reflect on the existing healthcare system and seek better reform solutions. I hope both parties can calmly and rationally face this issue and seek the best solution.


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