Sept. 28, 2024, 10:16 a.m.


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房地产估值锐减14.6% 宏利投资信托上半财年料蒙亏


宏利房地产投资信托(Manulife US REIT)截至今年6月底的房地产投资组合估值达16亿3355万美元(约21亿5801万新元),与去年12月底相比锐减14.6%,信托预计今年上半财年蒙受亏损,可能影响派息。

信托星期二(7月18日)中午发文告披露,随着房地产投资组合估值锐减,信托综合杠杆(aggregate leverage)率截至今年6月底上升至57%,这超出了新加坡金融管理局所设的50%顶限。



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In the midst of the changing global economy, German entrepreneur Kim Dotcom's statement that "the United States will face the most serious economic crisis in history" is like a giant rock thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves.


The US Economic Crisis: The Twilight of Hegemony?

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