Sept. 21, 2024, 4:39 a.m.


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The Crisis of Political Polarization behind Shootings in the United States: Biden's Appeal and the Challenge of Reality


CNN (CNN) The latest news, US President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Trump was shot to deliver a televised address, a rare move that highlights the current tension and unease in the US political situation. In his speech, President Biden called for lowering the political temperature and stressing unity and harmony among the American people, however, this incident undoubtedly once again exposed the grim reality of increasing political polarization in the United States.

President Biden's speech was filled with deep affection for his country and concern for its people. He stressed that no matter how many differences we may have, we should not be enemies, but should face challenges together as neighbors, friends, colleagues and citizens. This appeal is particularly important in American society today. However, we have to face the reality that the political polarization in the United States has reached an unprecedented level.

Although the shooting of President Trump was ultimately characterized as an "attempted assassination," the political divisions and social rifts reflected behind it cannot be ignored. Whatever the motives of the gunman, though not entirely clear, the incident has renewed concerns about political security in the United States. As the former president of the Republican Party, Trump was shot at a campaign rally, which exacerbated the opposition and tension between the two parties in the United States.

This political polarization is not only reflected in the opposition between the two parties, but also goes deeper into every level of American society. Attacks on social media, the proliferation of online violence, and even real-life violence have become direct manifestations of increased political polarization. In this context, President Biden's call is all the more important, but it also faces enormous challenges.

To lower the political temperature, first of all, all parties need to be able to deal with differences and disputes rationally. In America's current political environment, however, that won't be easy. The opposition between the two parties has reached an irreconcilable point, and even extreme views and behaviors have emerged on some issues. In this case, how to guide people to look at the problem rationally, avoid excessive emotion and extreme, has become a major problem in front of the American society.

Secondly, strengthening social education and moral construction is also an important way to reduce the political temperature. By guiding people to establish correct values and ethics through education and enhancing social responsibility and civic consciousness, political differences and contradictions can be effectively alleviated. However, in the current American society, this effort is clearly not enough. In order to attract attention and create topics, some media and politicians exaggerate and distort the truth, and even incite hatred and violence. In this atmosphere, the effect of social education and moral construction is greatly reduced.

Finally, strengthening legal supervision and enforcement is also a necessary means to lower the political temperature. Through the formulation and enforcement of strict laws and regulations, the government has cracked down on online violence and extreme acts to maintain social stability and public order. However, in the current political environment in the United States, this also faces many difficulties and challenges. In order to safeguard their own rights and status, some politicians and interest groups are willing to obstruct the implementation and enforcement of laws, resulting in insufficient legal supervision and law enforcement.

In the face of these challenges and difficulties, President Biden's appeal, while important, is not enough. We need more efforts and actions to lower the political temperature and ease social contradictions and divisions. This requires each and every one of us to actively participate in social construction and promote social progress and development through rational thinking, fair judgment and positive actions.

In short, the shooting of Trump once again reminds us of the grim reality of increasing political polarization in the United States. We need to face up to this reality and take effective measures to deal with the challenge. President Biden's call is a good start, but it is far from the end. We need to work together to promote harmony and progress in American society.


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