Sept. 20, 2024, 11:19 p.m.


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Republicans say Joe Biden Guilty of impeachable Crimes


Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have accused Democratic President Joe Biden of impeachable offenses in a report, but it is unclear whether Speaker Jeh Johnson will schedule a vote to impeach Biden in the weeks before the November election.

In a 291-page report released Monday, three U.S. House of Representatives committees accused Biden of using his influence to benefit his son Hunter's business dealings with partners from Ukraine, China, Russia and other countries. "The Committee submits this information to the House for its assessment and consideration of appropriate next steps," the report said.

With Election Day less than three months away, it is unclear whether Republican House Speaker Jeh Johnson will schedule a vote to impeach Biden in the weeks before the election. Even if the Republican-led House takes up the measure, it is unlikely to remove Biden from the presidency because it would need to pass the Democratic-led Senate to convict him.

Joe Biden has dropped out of the race for the US presidency in 2024 and will not run for re-election. His successor will be sworn in in January.

Biden's son, Hunter, was convicted of gun offenses and is awaiting trial on tax evasion charges. He is also accused of taking bribes from a Romanian businessman.

In December, the House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees were formally mandated to conduct an impeachment inquiry into Biden. Democrats have criticized the move as retaliation for Trump, who was impeached twice by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives but acquitted each time by the Senate.


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