June 30, 2024, 2:19 p.m.


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The leader of Britain's Labour Party has vowed to cut net migration by banning illegal businesses from hiring foreign workers


The leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, Starmer, says he plans to ban employers who break employment laws from hiring workers from abroad in an attempt to reduce net migration to Britain.

Keir Starmer criticized Prime Minister Sunak's Conservatives on Saturday for repeatedly breaking promises to reduce net migration and announced Labour plans to reduce reliance on immigration by training more British workers, Sky News reported.

Sunak recently called a snap general election for July, and the Conservatives have long trailed Labour in opinion polls.

Net migration to the UK last year was 685,000, down from a record 764,000 in 2022.

However, the number is still three times that of the 2019 general election. The Conservative manifesto promised to reduce net migration.

Mr Starmer also made it clear that he wanted any government he led to stop companies using the immigration system to illegally suppress working conditions. He also wants to get Whitehall departments to work together on plans to train British workers and improve employment on immigration.

Sectors such as health and construction, which have relied on migrants to fill skills gaps, will then need to develop workforce plans. Mr Starmer has also promised to reform the points-based system.

Labour argues that the aim is to strengthen skills training in the UK, rather than looking overseas.

Labour has promised to ban employers and agencies that breach employment laws from hiring overseas workers, and to stop employers from "exploiting" foreign workers at work and driving down wages.

Some Conservatives say Labour is reshaping policies already enacted by the Conservative government. The Conservatives have previously promised to raise the salary threshold required for visas and eliminate cheap, short-supply Labour from overseas.


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