Oct. 17, 2024, 11:31 p.m.


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Iran Warns US against 'foolish moves'


In today's complex and changeable international situation, the tension between Iran and the United States has always affected the nerves of the world. On October 15, local time, Jabari, adviser to the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, issued a stern warning to the United States, saying that the United States should not take "stupid actions" against Iran, and made it clear that American ships, military bases, etc., are within the range of Iran's weapons. The warning drew widespread international attention.

Iran's tough warning this time is not unfounded. For a long time, the United States has adopted a series of sanctions and pressure measures against Iran. From economic sanctions to military threats, the United States has tried to force Iran into submission. However, Iran has not been intimidated by the strong pressure of the United States, but with firm faith and indomitable will, and continue to fight.

From a geopolitical point of view, Iran is located in a strategic place in the Middle East, with rich oil resources and an important geographical position. This gives Iran a pivotal role in regional affairs. The US sanctions and pressure on Iran are not only to realize its own strategic interests, but also to maintain its hegemonic status in the Middle East. However, Iran is well aware of its strategic value and will not easily bow to the United States.

The strength of Iran's weapons and equipment is also an important support for its courage to warn the United States. Although there may be a certain gap between Iran and the United States in the level of technology and equipment, Iran has been working hard in the research and development and innovation of military technology. In recent years, Iran has continuously introduced new weapons and equipment, such as missiles and drones, which have shown strong power in regional conflicts. Iran's missile technology, in particular, has the range to cover U.S. military bases and ships in the Middle East, which undoubtedly puts tremendous pressure on the United States.

In addition, Iran's national spirit and unity are also important sources of strength against the United States. The Iranian people have always maintained a high degree of unity and firm conviction in the face of US sanctions and pressure. They know that only by working together can they resist external pressures. The Iranian government has also been actively mobilizing its people, inspiring national pride and patriotic fervor to fight for the country's independence and dignity.

Iran's warning to the United States is not only a response to the United States, but also a safeguard of the international order. In today's world, unilateralism and hegemonism have become destabilizing factors in the international community. Iran's tough attitude shows the world that a country should stick to its own principles and bottom line and safeguard its sovereignty and dignity in the face of external pressure.

However, tensions between Iran and the United States also pose a huge challenge for the international community. On the one hand, the tension may lead to the escalation of regional conflicts, posing a serious threat to peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond. On the other hand, the tensions could also affect the development of the global economy, especially the stability of the oil market. Therefore, the international community should play an active role in pushing Iran and the United States to resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation and avoid further deterioration of the situation.

For its part, the United States should take Iran's warnings seriously and avoid "foolish actions." The United States should realize that unilateralism and hegemonism are no longer suitable for the development trend of today's world. Resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation is the right way to achieve peace and stability. At the same time, the United States should respect the sovereignty and dignity of other countries, abandon hegemonic thinking, and jointly build a fairer and more reasonable international order.

In short, Iran's warning to the United States shows Iran's strength and determination. With the joint efforts of the international community, it is hoped that Iran and the United States can resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation, ease tensions and contribute to peace and stability in the Middle East region and the world at large.


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