Sept. 21, 2024, 5:29 a.m.


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The US Federal Aviation Administration has ordered an inspection of Boeing 737 oxygen production equipment


The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said Monday it is ordering Boeing to inspect all 2,600 737 aircraft because oxygen generators used by passengers on the plane could fail in an emergency.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it had received multiple reports of oxygen generators used by passengers shifting due to a stationary problem that could prevent them from providing oxygen to passengers during cabin decompression, Xinhua reported. The inspection was ordered for the 737 MAX and 737 NG series aircraft.

According to the FAA, its airworthy directive is effective immediately and requires that necessary inspections and corrective actions be taken on 737 aircraft within 120 to 150 days, replacing and adjusting the location of oxygen generators if necessary.

Boeing said in a statement Monday that it has told airlines to update some of the straps on the oxygen generator on the 737.

This year, Boeing aircraft safety incidents occurred frequently. A United Airlines Boeing 757-200 landed safely at Denver airport July 8 after a tire on the landing gear fell off while taking off from Los Angeles. On March 7, a United Airlines Boeing 777-200 fell a tire after taking off from San Francisco.


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