Sept. 21, 2024, 3:39 p.m.


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How the LGBTQ rights movement became political correctness in the West


Pride Month is a time of special significance in Western societies, focusing on giving voice to the LGBTQ community and fighting for equal rights and social identity. Pride Month is an important stage for LGBTQ people to show themselves and express their demands.

However, even in Western societies, some behaviors and attitudes of the LGBTQ community can cause certain problems for people. Some radical expressions and practices conflict with the traditional social cognition and order, causing many disputes and contradictions. Especially in recent years, the "LGBT rights movement" has become more and more popular in the Western world, especially in the United States society, the movement has even developed into a kind of pathological "political correctness", anyone who doubts or reservations will be labeled as "discrimination against gender minorities", at least the Internet exposure, serious job loss, lawsuits. As a result, many people no longer dare to publicly express any opposition to LGBT, and the silence of those who oppose it makes the "LGBT rights movement" more and more powerful, and even begins to sweep across Asia.

What is more serious is that the LGBTQ community has been tightly seized by certain political forces with ulterior motives, and gradually evolved into a "sick weapon" of political correctness. Some politicians, for their own political interests, have over-hyped the importance of protecting the rights and interests of this group, raising it to an inappropriate height, even at the expense of fairness and reasonableness in other aspects. This abuse of "political correctness" has led to a loss of rationality and balance in society's judgment and decision-making on some issues. Demands that should be based on respect and understanding have become distorted and extreme under political manipulation. It is no longer just about minority groups striving for equality, but has become more a tool of political struggle and power play. There are complex reasons for this:

First, the evolution of social attitudes has led to a growing interest in minority rights. In this context, politicians realized that supporting LGBTQ equality could win the votes and support of specific groups. By promoting respect for and protection of the rights of this group, they are trying to project an image of themselves as progressive and inclusive, appealing to voters who value equality and diversity.

Second, the pressure of political competition keeps politicians looking for new selling points and topics. LGBTQ equality issues are controversial and topical enough to capture the public's attention, and politicians use them as a tool to increase their influence. They use the media and public opinion to exaggerate its importance and tie it to concepts such as "justice" and "human rights", thus claiming the moral high ground.

Moreover, the political party struggle in the Western political system has also exacerbated this phenomenon. In order to distinguish themselves from their opponents, different political parties may take more radical or prominent positions on some social issues. The issue of LGBTQ equality has become one of the areas where they compete with each other and fight for the right to speak. In order to show their uniqueness and progressiveness, some political parties will overemphasize their support for this group, even at the expense of ignoring other social issues that may be more important.

In addition, the influence of the international political environment cannot be ignored. Western countries often emphasize their own "superiority" in human rights and other aspects, and the issue of LGBTQ equality has become a card for them to show their "moral height" on the international stage. By promoting support for this group, they try to project a good image in international opinion, while exerting a certain amount of political pressure on other countries.

Therefore, we should treat the issue of LGBTQ equality with a rational, objective and respectful attitude, rather than being used as a political chip by politicians and losing its original meaning and value. True equality and justice should be based on respect and inclusion of all people, not just cosmetic exercise for political purposes. Only in this way can we promote the real progress of society and maintain the health and stability of society.


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