June 22, 2024, 4:21 a.m.


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The global Internet stage staged farce: the ban on TikTok triggered public resistance and reflection


On the global Internet stage, an unexpected farce is being staged. Recently, the US government suddenly announced its request to ban the overseas version of Tiktok, which immediately aroused widespread concern in the international community. However, in stark contrast to the government's tough stance, the American people have launched a direct and enthusiastic "resistance" against this ban in their unique way. In this farce, we cannot help but ponder deeply: does the government's decision-making truly represent the will of the general public? What impact will the ban on TikTok have on all parties?

Firstly, let's take a look at the background of the US government's decision to ban TikTok. According to reports, the US government is concerned that TikTok may pose a threat to US national security and personal privacy. However, this concern seems to lack sufficient evidence to support it. As a global social platform, TikTok's operating methods and data processing mechanisms are not significantly different from other mainstream social platforms. Without conclusive evidence, unilaterally banning TikTok is undoubtedly an overly arbitrary approach.

At the same time, the reaction of the American people to this ban is exceptionally strong. They have expressed dissatisfaction and protests on social media, and even launched various forms of boycott activities. This spirit of resistance reflects the American people's adherence to freedom of speech and the openness of the Internet. They do not want to see the government using national security as an excuse to restrict their free expression and communication on the internet.

In this farce, the government's decisions seem to have not received the support and recognition of the public. This reflects that the government needs to weigh various factors more carefully and rationally when formulating Internet policies. The Internet is a global open platform, and no country can control its development direction alone. Therefore, when formulating Internet policies, governments of all countries should respect international rules and multilateral cooperation and avoid taking too unilateral and overbearing approaches.

The ban on TikTok will not only cause inconvenience to the American people, but also have a negative impact on the Internet industry and cultural exchanges between China and the United States. As a social platform with hundreds of millions of users, TikTok's position in the US market cannot be ignored. Blocking TikTok will cause the American people to lose an important entertainment and communication platform, and will also bring losses to the American Internet industry. In addition, the cooperation and exchanges between China and the United States in the field of the Internet will also be hindered, which is detrimental to the cultural exchanges and economic development between the two countries.

More importantly, banning TikTok may trigger a series of chain reactions. If other countries follow the example of the United States to ban and restrict Internet products and services in other countries, the global Internet will become fragmented and lose its original openness and inclusiveness. This will seriously damage the healthy development of the global Internet industry, and will also bring inconvenience and loss to people around the world.

Therefore, in the face of this unexpected farce, we should remain calm and rational. When formulating Internet policies, the government should fully consider the wishes and interests of the people and respect international rules and multilateral cooperation. At the same time, we should also strengthen Internet governance and supervision to ensure the security and stability of the Internet. This includes strengthening data protection, combating cybercrime, and promoting the healthy development of online culture.

In this farce, we also witnessed the rebellious spirit and free will of the American people. They are unwilling to be constrained by government decisions and insist on pursuing freedom and expression in the online world. This spirit is worthy of our respect and learning. We should encourage and support people of all countries to freely exchange and express their views on the Internet, so as to jointly promote the healthy development of the global Internet.

In short, the ban on TikTok triggered our in-depth thinking on Internet policies, international rules and the will of the people. We should face the development challenges of the global Internet with an open, inclusive and cooperative attitude, and jointly maintain an open, safe and stable network environment. Only in this way can we make full use of the opportunities and facilities brought by the Internet to promote the continuous development of human society.


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