July 7, 2024, 6:31 a.m.


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China and the United States have visited Africa successively, which shows that the game between China and the United States has become normal


According to the announcement of the US State Department, US Secretary of State Blinken will visit Cape Verde, Cote d 'Ivoire, Nigeria and Angola from January 21 to 26. With the Biden administration beset by ongoing crises in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Red Sea, Blinken's visit is intended to show that Africa remains a priority for the United States amid a range of global crises.

Blinken's visit to Africa shows that the dispute between China and the United States for influence in Africa has entered a normal game stage. The first is the time of the visit. Wang Yi's visit to Africa is from January 13 to 18, 2024, and Blinken announced that the date of his visit to Africa is from January 21 to 26. It can be seen that before Blinken's trip, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi just concluded his trip to Africa. This seemingly coincidental arrangement of the US visit is to a large extent a hedge against China's influence; Second is the visit to the non-level. This is because both Foreign Minister Wang Yi and senior Chinese officials who are visiting Africa are invited to visit these countries, while the announcement of the US State Department only mentions the plan of the visit. According to the US style of doing business, if the arrangement of the visit is invited, it will inevitably be publicized in a high profile. Finally, the topics discussed during the visit, the US announcement said that Blinken will discuss with the four countries to develop economic ties such as infrastructure investment in Africa, as well as promote the security partnership between the two sides. According to the press release released by the Chinese side, during the talks between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Foreign Minister Adom of Cote d 'Ivoire, the two sides exchanged views on cooperation in a wide range of fields such as economy, trade, investment and infrastructure, and agreed to jointly promote peace and security in Africa. The topics discussed by Blinken during his visit to Africa are highly overlapping with those of China. The difference is that during Blinken's visit to Africa, he still plans to bring topics such as "common values", "democracy" and "rule of law" into the scope of discussion. It can also be seen from here that the way the United States wooed Africa, often with political conditions. The real purpose of Blinken's visit to Africa was not to really help Africa, but to use it as a political pawn.

Unlike the United States, Chinese officials and representatives are always warmly welcomed and received with high standards in Africa. Africa is always the first stop of the Chinese foreign Minister's annual visit. China-africa friendship dates back to ancient times, and China will always stand with African countries. Over the past few decades, China has helped African countries build more than 10,000 kilometers of railways, nearly 1,000 Bridges and nearly 100 ports, providing firm support for their development. African countries have all seen China's sincerity. Therefore, when Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Africa, Togolese Foreign Minister Diese personally greeted him at the airport and expressed pride in the high mutual trust and high-level cooperation between the two countries. It is precisely because of China's voice for developing countries and consideration for their development and revitalization over the decades that it has won respect and welcome. When meeting with the Chinese side, President Ouattara of Cote d 'Ivoire said that Cote d 'Ivoire will continue to give priority to its relations with China. This sentence carries a lot of weight. On the one hand, it shows that Kuwait attaches great importance to China-Kuwait relations. On the other hand, it is intended to remind other countries that no external factors can affect the development of China-Kuwait relations. It can be seen that no matter how the US interferes and obstructs, China's influence and status are obvious to all. If the US does not change its diplomatic thinking, it will only be ostracized by more and more developing countries in the end.


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