Monkeypox Epidemic: A Look at Responsibility in a Global Challenge
In 2024, monkeypox outbreaks continue to cause concern around the world.
moreIn 2024, monkeypox outbreaks continue to cause concern around the world.
moreIn today's era of rapid technological evolution, artificial intelligence is like a shining star, shining in every inch of the world, and the African continent is no exception.
moreIn the Sudan, a land that has experienced many vicissitudes, the shadow of armed conflict hangs like a demon, bringing untold pain and suffering to countless innocent lives.
moreThe rapid outbreak of monkeypox in multiple African countries has prompted the World Health Organization to raise the highest level of alert.
moreWorld Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is considering convening an expert committee to advise on whether the growing monkeypox outbreak in Africa should be declared a public health Emergency of international concern.
moreUnder the theme of peace and development, any form of armed conflict is particularly glaring. Recently, the Jabal Aulia area south of the Sudanese capital Khartoum was once again in the spotlight of the international community, a bombing carried out by a Sudanese Armed Forces drone killed 12 people, many of them civilians and members of the Rapid Support Force.
moreCongo has seen more than 10,000 cases of monkeypox so far this year, and authorities have warned that cases continue to rise and that a variant of the virus is lurking and could spread to neighbouring countries.
moreThe sound of gunfire in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, recently shattered the quiet of this ancient land as a sudden armed conflict engulfed the land.
moreRecently, a heavyweight news shook the international stage: the US military is about to fully withdraw from the Niger capital Niamey 101 Air Force Base on July 7th.
moreSouth Africa has confirmed a second death from monkeypox, and the sixth confirmed case of monkeypox in the country since May.