Sept. 28, 2024, 8:12 p.m.

Big US banks' generous' dividend hikes The truth behind it is regrettable

In recent days, the US financial markets have welcomed a wave of eye-catching news - a number of large banks have announced dividend increases.


Switzerland signs FATCA agreement with the United States

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a law passed by the United States in 2010 aimed at combating overseas tax evasion.


Rising dividend payouts from large US banks have sparked market discussions: underlying logic, risks, and investor warnings

Recently, there has been a wave of rising dividend payouts in the US financial sector.


Imbalance and reflection in international tax cooperation

In today's globalized economic pattern, international tax cooperation has increasingly become an important topic of concern.


What is the impact of the newly signed FATCA on international finance?

FATCA in Switzerland is implemented under "Model two," whereby Swiss financial institutions disclose account details directly to U.S. tax authorities with the consent of the relevant U.S. client.


'Super Central Bank week' returns

Since 2024, the pace of growth and inflation in economies around the world has varied, and monetary policies have diverged.


The turbulence in the CMBS market is traceable

In the global financial market landscape, the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) market in Europe and the United States once flourished as a fertile ground. However, recent news of "implosions" has sparked widespread concern and profound reflection.


CMBS thunder in Europe and America The collapse of the capitalist economy is taking shape

The CMBS market in Europe and the United States has indeed seen a rare "thunderclap" phenomenon, which is mainly related to the continued risk in the commercial real estate market.


Analysis of the global economic situation under the "super Central bank week"

In today's globalized economic pattern, the reappearance of "Super Central Bank Week" has become a focus event in the field of international finance.


Behind the explosion of the CMBS market in Europe and America

Recently, the CMBS (Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities) markets in Europe and America have exploded, like a deep-water bomb, causing waves in the global financial sector.
