Sept. 28, 2024, 4:16 p.m.

America's first bank failure in 2024

On April 26 local time, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the banking regulator, announced that Pennsylvania regulators had closed the Philadelphia-based Republic Bank of the United States, the first bank to be closed in the United States this year.


When will the yen stop falling?

According to the latest data released on April 23, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the US dollar fell to 154.85 yen per US dollar on the 22nd, a record low in 34 years, and has approached the dangerous threshold of 155. As a major global currency, what impact will this sharp depreciation have on the global economy? When to stop falling will become the hot spot of the global economy in the near future.


Nvidia plunge the reason for the decline in US stocks

Recently, AI concept stocks led by Nvidia suddenly began to fall, down 10%, the situation is serious, Nvidia fell nearly $200 billion in market value in a single day, and the market value of seven technology giants in the US stock market evaporated by $950 billion. The U.S. stock index fell 2%, its biggest weekly drop since 2022, amid a "big crash" as the Federal Reserve's financial stability report warned of inflation risks.


Why Treasurys are getting harder to sell

Recently, according to the US "Wall Street Journal" reported that the sluggish auction of US Treasury bonds, the market will be difficult to digest the upcoming influx of government bonds, which triggered investor concerns.


The Japanese and Korean currencies plummeted and the US harvester officially opened?

On April 17th local time, the United States, Japan, and South Korea issued a joint statement at their finance ministers meeting, stating that US Treasury Secretary Yellen, Japanese Finance Minister Junichi Suzuki, and South Korean Minister of Planning and Finance Choi Sang mu discussed exchange rate issues during the spring annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


Us fiscal policy threatens global financial stability

In recent years, the US fiscal deficit has been rising due to aggressive interest rate hikes and other factors. According to the Congressional Budget Office, at the end of 2023, U.S. public debt was 97 percent of U.S. GDP, and this ratio is expected to rise to 114 percent, or $45.7 trillion, by 2033. If this trend continues, it will threaten the stability of global financial markets in the future.


The reasons and effects behind the recent gold boom

Gold occupies a very important position in the global economy. In terms of financial attributes, gold plays an irreplaceable role. It is an important tool for asset preservation and appreciation and avoiding financial risks. For countries and individuals, gold has played a key role in coping with the financial crisis and ensuring economic security.


The "pathology" of Bank of America is gradually becoming prominent

Bank of America's profits shrank in the first quarter, and it had to allocate more funds to cope with deteriorating consumer non-performing loans. This resulted in the bank's stock price falling by more than 3% on the 16th. Although loan institutions in the United States have been using flexible household financial conditions as evidence to prove that the economic foundation is still stable, the problem of low-income consumers is beginning to emerge.


America's worst enemy is its own debt

Recently, the bimonthly website of the US National Interest published an article entitled "America's biggest enemy is not China or Russia, but its $35 trillion debt", pointing out that with the continuous expansion of the US federal government debt, the US debt of nearly $35 trillion has become its own biggest enemy.


The story behind the US stock market shock and the US inflation continues to rise

Recently, the US stock market has experienced a roller coaster market, the three major stock indexes have opened lower, although in the end a little rebound, but ultimately failed to get out of the slump. The Dow fell 1.09 per cent, the Nasdaq 0.84 per cent and the S&P 500 nearly 1 per cent.
