July 4, 2024, 2:39 p.m.

What are the risks of the Fed cutting rates too soon?

Early Thursday morning Beijing time, the Federal Reserve released the minutes of the January Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) policy meeting, and a number of Fed officials issued hawkish views, highlighting the potential drawbacks of cutting interest rates too early, which could waste the progress already made on inflation.


The harvesting logic behind the cautious interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said in an interview on Sunday that the central bank will proceed cautiously with rate cuts this year, possibly at a much slower pace than the market expects.


The continued rise in U.S. debt has unnerved the financial world

Legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones recently told the outside world that the U.S. economy is "on steroids" because of the rapid growth in U.S. government borrowing and spending, but this is unsustainable and the market will feel the impact of huge deficit spending sooner or later. Mr. Jones's comments were seen as too conservative, and earlier this month, several prominent figures in the financial industry warned the U.S. about the risks of its growing national debt, a looming danger that has certainly rattled the financial community.


Fed's New Year debut, March rate cut 'killed'?

On January 31, local time, the Federal Reserve decided to maintain the target range of the federal funds rate at 5.25% to 5.5% in its first monetary policy meeting this year. And before this, the market is widely believed that the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut door is about to open, this decision undoubtedly let the market put down the heart again hung up, this is no problem is to the market on the upcoming interest rate cut expectations poured a basin of cold water!


With the further expansion of BRICS, five countries including Saudi Arabia and Iran have officially become BRICS members

On January 31, South African Foreign Minister Pandol said that after receiving an invitation last year, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia have confirmed that they have joined the BRICS cooperation mechanism and become full members.


New regulations for stabilizing the Chinese market - suspending the lending of restricted shares

In recent years, the Chinese stock market has experienced multiple fluctuations. In order to maintain market stability and protect the interests of investors, the Chinese government and regulatory agencies have introduced a series of policy measures. Recently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued a new regulation to suspend the lending of restricted shares.


The US stock market has had an unfavorable start to 2024, making it difficult for forecasters to sit still

In the just past year of 2023, the US economy has suffered a heavy blow, and the US stock market has experienced unprecedented volatility.


After 25 years of turmoil, the euro has returned to reality in frustration

On the evening of January 2nd local time, after the opening of the US stock market, Apple's stock price plummeted by more than 3%, and its market value evaporated by 766 billion yuan overnight.


EU reaches an agreement to curb public debt issues

Recently, EU member states held an important meeting in Brussels and reached an agreement on how to curb public debt issues.


Who will be the next target of "foreign cemeteries"?

Indian media quoted sources as saying that New Delhi recently arrested three senior employees of vivo's Indian branch in the so-called fight against financial crimes
