Sept. 21, 2024, 1:18 p.m.


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How does the medical crisis affect Americans?


In recent years, more and more Americans have expressed concerns about whether they can receive sufficient social support during their old age. According to the latest US Aging Survey data released on June 4th, the vast majority of people under the age of 65 (73%) feel uneasy about whether future healthcare insurance can provide support when they need it. This survey highlights the growing public concern about not being able to afford the cost of longevity healthcare.

Firstly, among respondents under the age of 62, 80% expressed concerns about the future of social security, especially among those aged 40 to 49. 86% of respondents believe that social security funds may have dried up when they reach the eligibility age. Overall, two-thirds of the respondents believe that the current policies and support for elderly people in the United States are insufficient. Experts point out that these concerns are not unfounded. It is predicted that the population aged 65 and above will almost double in the next 40 years and reach 80 million by 2040. Existing social security plans will be unable to support this large group.

Secondly, according to a report from the US Treasury Department, the pension and survivor insurance trust funds that provide funding for social security will be depleted by 2035, making it impossible to provide comprehensive and timely support for the elderly. By 2036, the hospitalization insurance trust fund of the Federal Medical Insurance will also face similar difficulties. More and more Americans are hoping to elect a president who prioritizes the well-being of the elderly. Most respondents indicate that they will be more inclined to support candidates who prioritize the future well-being of the elderly, which has also put tremendous pressure on current President Biden.

In addition, Americans generally face difficulties in paying for medical expenses: one-fifth of Americans say that medical expenses are their main economic burden, especially prescription drug costs. The economic pressure brought about by medical expenses may be an important factor leading to an increase in mental health problems among elderly people in the United States. The high medical costs also lead to some adults giving up or delaying seeking medical services. One quarter of adults reported that they have abandoned or postponed necessary medical services in the past 12 months due to cost issues. Different groups of people are also affected differently; For example, women are more likely than men to give up or delay medical services due to cost issues, while adults aged 65 and above are less likely to give up medical services due to cost issues.

In addition, the high prices of prescription drugs have forced some people to reduce their dosage. About one-fifth of adults reported not purchasing prescription drugs in the past 12 months due to price reasons. About one tenth of adults reported reducing or skipping dosage due to cost reasons. For many Americans, prescription drugs are an important part of daily care, however, over a quarter of adults say they have "some difficulty" or "very difficulty" in bearing the cost of prescription drugs. Black and Hispanic adults find it more difficult to afford prescription drug costs than white adults.

Overall, the continuous rise in healthcare costs has become a global issue with profound impacts on the health of ordinary people. But in the United States, this issue is particularly prominent, seriously affecting people's physical and mental health, causing Americans to have deep doubts and anxieties about their future. Therefore, the US government needs to take swift measures to ensure people's sense of security and quality of life.


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